Sonic Management API
Interface IRemoteSubscriptionSummary

public interface IRemoteSubscriptionSummary

This interface aggregates and summarizes information on remote subscriptions propagated by another routing node to a broker.

The broker exposes an operation "getRemoteSubscriptionSummary" through its JMX interface. This operation returns an array list of IRemoteSubscriptionSummary elements.

See Also:
IBrokerProxy.getRemoteSubscriptionSummary(java.lang.String), IBrokerProxy.getRemoteSubscriptionSummary(java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean)

Method Summary
 long getMessageCount()
          Gets the number of messages currently held in the routing queue of this broker that are destined for the propagating routing node and result from publications to remote subscriptions topics.
 long getMessageSize()
          Gets the total bytes of messages currently held in the routing queue of this broker that are destined for the propagating routing node and result from publications to remote subscriptions topics.
 java.lang.String getNodeName()
          Gets the routing node name of the remote routing node that is propagating subscriptions.
 boolean hasRemoteSubscription()
          Returns true if the remote node has propagated at least one remote subscription to this broker.

Method Detail


long getMessageCount()
Gets the number of messages currently held in the routing queue of this broker that are destined for the propagating routing node and result from publications to remote subscriptions topics.

The returned value will always be 0 if the remote node has not propagated remote subscriptions to this broker.

message count
See Also:


long getMessageSize()
Gets the total bytes of messages currently held in the routing queue of this broker that are destined for the propagating routing node and result from publications to remote subscriptions topics.

The returned value will always be 0 if the remote node has not propagated remote subscriptions to this broker.

See Also:


java.lang.String getNodeName()
Gets the routing node name of the remote routing node that is propagating subscriptions.

propagating routing node name


boolean hasRemoteSubscription()
Returns true if the remote node has propagated at least one remote subscription to this broker.

If the remote node has not propagated remote subscriptions with the broker then both the message count and message size will be 0.

See Also:
getMessageCount(), getMessageSize()

Sonic Management API

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