Sonic Management API
Interface IDurableSubscriptionData

public interface IDurableSubscriptionData

This interface describes a JMS durable subscription registered with the SonicMQ broker.

The broker exposes an operation "getDurableSubscriptions" through its JMX interface. This operation returns an array list of IDurableSubscriptionData elements. The broker also supports deleting durable subscriptions through the "deleteDurableSubscriptions" operation which takes an array list of IDurableSubscriptionData elements that describe which durable subscriptions should be deleted.

See Also:
IBrokerProxy.getDurableSubscriptions(java.lang.String), IBrokerProxy.deleteDurableSubscriptions(java.lang.String, java.util.ArrayList)

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getClientID()
          Gets the JMS clientID associated with this durable subscription.
 long getLastConnectedTime()
          Returns the (broker) time when the durable subscriber was last active against the durable subscription.
 long getMessageCount()
          Returns the number of messages currently stored by the broker for the durable subscription.
 long getMessageSize()
          Returns the number of bytes cuurently stored by the broker for the durable subscription.
 java.lang.String getSelector()
          Returns the message selector associated with this durable subscribtion.
 java.lang.String getSubscriptionName()
          Gets the JMS subscription name associated with this durable subscription.
 java.lang.String getTopicName()
          Gets the topic to which the durable subscription is described.
 java.lang.String getUser()
          Gets the username associated with this durable subscription.
 boolean isConnectionConsumer()
          Returns true if the durable subscription was created by a JMS connection consumer.
 boolean isSelectorAtBroker()
          Returns true if the message selector is located on the broker.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getClientID()
Gets the JMS clientID associated with this durable subscription.


long getLastConnectedTime()
Returns the (broker) time when the durable subscriber was last active against the durable subscription. If the subscriber is currently active then the return value will be -1.


long getMessageCount()
Returns the number of messages currently stored by the broker for the durable subscription.


long getMessageSize()
Returns the number of bytes cuurently stored by the broker for the durable subscription.


java.lang.String getSelector()
Returns the message selector associated with this durable subscribtion. If the message selector is not set, null is returned.


java.lang.String getSubscriptionName()
Gets the JMS subscription name associated with this durable subscription.


java.lang.String getTopicName()
Gets the topic to which the durable subscription is described.


java.lang.String getUser()
Gets the username associated with this durable subscription. If there was no username provided on connection (allowed when security is disabled), then the returned value will be an empty string.


boolean isConnectionConsumer()
Returns true if the durable subscription was created by a JMS connection consumer.


boolean isSelectorAtBroker()
Returns true if the message selector is located on the broker. Returns false if the message selector is located on the client, or is not set.

Sonic Management API

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