Sonic Management API


Interface Summary
IActivationDaemonProxy Remote interface to a runtime instance of an ActivationDaemon.
IAgentManagerProxy Remote interface to a runtime instance of an AgentManager.
IAgentProxy Remote interface to a runtime instance of an Agent.
ICollectionsMonitorProxy Remote interface to a runtime instance of a CollectionsMonitor.
IDirectoryServiceProxy Remote interface to a runtime instance of a DirectoryService.
IHostManagerProxy Provides remote access to the Host Manager.
ILoggerProxy Remote interface to a runtime instance of a Logger.

Class Summary
MFProxyFactory Provides factory methods to create a runtime proxies that remotely interact with the management API of Sonic MBeans.

Exception Summary
ProxyRuntimeException Proxy runtime exceptions are used to wrap underlying exceptions propagated from the remote component the proxy represents.

Sonic Management API

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