Sonic Management API


Interface Summary
IActivationDaemonBean Configuration Bean representing a 'ActivationDaemon'
IActivationDaemonBean.IChildType Inner class representing ChildType This class extends IAbstractChildType
IActivationDaemonBean.IContainersSet Inner class representing ContainersSet This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IActivationDaemonBean.IScheduleList Inner class representing ScheduleList This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IActivationDaemonBean.IScheduleType Inner class representing ScheduleType This class extends IAbstractScheduleType
IAgentManagerBean Configuration Bean representing a 'AgentManager'
IAgentManagerBean.IAMReferences Inner class representing AMReferences This class extends IAbstractAMReferences
IAgentManagerBean.IMetricsCollectionType Inner class representing MetricsCollectionType This class extends IAbstractMetricsCollectionType
IAuthenticationDomainBean Configuration Bean representing a AuthenticationDomain
IAuthenticationDomainBean.IConnectionParamMap Inner class representing ConnectionParamMap This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IAuthenticationDomainBean.IGroupMapType Inner class representing GroupMapType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IAuthenticationGroupBean Configuration Bean representing a AuthenticationGroup
IAuthenticationGroupBean.IGroupMembersType Inner class representing GroupMembersType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IAuthenticationGroupBean.IGroupMemberType Inner class representing GroupMemberType This class extends IAbstractGroupMemberType
IAuthenticationUserBean Configuration Bean representing a AuthenticationUser
IBackupAgentManagerBean Configuration Bean representing a 'BackupAgentManager'
IBackupAgentManagerBean.IAMReferences Inner class representing AMReferences This class extends IAbstractAMReferences
IBackupDirectoryServiceBean Configuration Bean representing a 'BackupDirectoryService'
IBackupDirectoryServiceBean.IDsReferencesType Inner class representing DsReferencesType This class extends IAbstractDsReferencesType
ICollectionsMonitorBean Configuration Bean representing a CollectionsMonitor
ICollectionsMonitorBean.ICollectionList Inner class representing CollectionList This inner class contains inner data items that have a zero based index.
ICollectionsMonitorBean.IFsStorageType Inner class representing FsStorageType This class extends IAbstractFsStorageType
ICollectionsMonitorBean.IJdbcStorageType Inner class representing JdbcStorageType This class extends IAbstractJdbcStorageType
ICollectionsMonitorBean.IMetricsCollectionType Inner class representing MetricsCollectionType This class extends IAbstractMetricsCollectionType
IComponentCollectionBean Configuration Bean representing a 'ComponentCollection'
IComponentCollectionBean.IComponent Inner class representing Component This class extends IAbstractComponent
IComponentCollectionBean.IComponentsSet Inner class representing ComponentsSet This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IComponentCollectionBean.IMetricListType Inner class representing MetricListType This inner class contains inner data items that have a zero based index.
IComponentCollectionBean.IMonitorsSet Inner class representing MonitorsSet This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IComponentCollectionBean.IMonitorType Inner class representing MonitorType This class extends IAbstractMonitorType
IComponentCollectionBean.INotifList Inner class representing NotifList This inner class contains inner data items that have a zero based index.
IComponentCollectionBean.INotifListType Inner class representing NotifListType This inner class contains inner data items that have a zero based index.
IContainerBean Configuration Bean representing a 'Container'
IContainerBean.ICacheType Inner class representing CacheType This class extends IAbstractCacheType
IContainerBean.ICentralConnectionType Inner class representing CentralConnectionType This class extends IAbstractCentralConnectionType
IContainerBean.IComponentsType Inner class representing ComponentsType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IContainerBean.IConnectionType Inner class representing ConnectionType This class extends IAbstractConnectionType
IContainerBean.IDeploymentParametersSet Inner class representing DeploymentParametersSet This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IContainerBean.IDeploymentParameterType Inner class representing DeploymentParameterType This class extends IAbstractDeploymentParameterType
IContainerBean.IEnabledAlertParams Inner class representing EnabledAlertParams This class extends IAbstractEnabledAlertParams
IContainerBean.IEnabledAlertsType Inner class representing EnabledAlertsType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IContainerBean.IEnabledMetricsType Inner class representing EnabledMetricsType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IContainerBean.IExtensionsType Inner class representing ExtensionsType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IContainerBean.IExtensionType Inner class representing ExtensionType This class extends IAbstractExtensionType
IContainerBean.IFaultToleranceType Inner class representing FaultToleranceType This class extends IAbstractFaultToleranceType
IContainerBean.ILibrariesType Inner class representing LibrariesType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IContainerBean.ILibraryParams Inner class representing LibraryParams This class extends IAbstractLibraryParams
IContainerBean.IMetricsCollectionType Inner class representing MetricsCollectionType This class extends IAbstractMetricsCollectionType
IContainerBean.IMonitoringType Inner class representing MonitoringType This class extends IAbstractMonitoringType
IContainerBean.IStartupParams Inner class representing StartupParams This class extends IAbstractStartupParams
IContainerBean.ISystemPropertiesType Inner class representing SystemPropertiesType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IContainerCollectionBean Configuration Bean representing a 'ContainerCollection'
IContainerCollectionBean.IContainer Inner class representing Container This class extends IAbstractContainer
IContainerCollectionBean.IContainersSet Inner class representing ContainersSet This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IDirectoryServiceBean Configuration Bean representing a 'DirectoryService'
IDirectoryServiceBean.IDsReferencesType Inner class representing DsReferencesType This class extends IAbstractDsReferencesType
IDirectoryServiceBean.IReplicationParametersType Inner class representing ReplicationParametersType This class extends IAbstractReplicationParametersType
IDirectoryServiceBean.ISslParametersType Inner class representing SslParametersType This class extends IAbstractSslParametersType
IDirectoryServiceBean.IStorageType Inner class representing StorageType This class extends IAbstractStorageType
IDomainBean Configuration Bean representing a 'Domain'
IHostManagerBean Configuration Bean representing a 'HostManager'
ILoggerBean Configuration Bean representing a 'Logger'
ILoggerBean.IComponentCollectionsType Inner class representing ComponentCollectionsType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
ILoggerBean.IMetricsCollectionType Inner class representing MetricsCollectionType This class extends IAbstractMetricsCollectionType
IReplicationConnectionBean Configuration Bean representing a 'ReplicationConnection'
IReplicationConnectionBean.IReplicationConnectionSetType Inner class representing ReplicationConnectionSetType This inner class contains inner data items that are keyed off a name.
IReplicationConnectionBean.IReplicationConnectionType Inner class representing ReplicationConnectionType This class extends IAbstractReplicationConnectionType

Class Summary

Sonic Management API

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