Sonic Management API
Interface IAlert

public interface IAlert

An alert defines a high or low threshold value for a particular metric. One or more alerts can be associated with an individual metric, an instance metric, or all instances of an instance metric parent. A notification is issued whenever the value of a metric exceeds the threshold of one of its associated alerts (either high or low).

Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
          Determines whether two alerts are equal
 IMetricIdentity getMetricIdentity()
          Returns the metric identity for this alert
 long getThresholdValue()
          Returns the alert's threshold value
 boolean isHighThreshold()
          True if this is a high threshold alert, false if a low threshold.

Method Detail


boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Determines whether two alerts are equal

equals in class java.lang.Object


IMetricIdentity getMetricIdentity()
Returns the metric identity for this alert


long getThresholdValue()
Returns the alert's threshold value


boolean isHighThreshold()
True if this is a high threshold alert, false if a low threshold.

Sonic Management API

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