Package com.sonicsw.esb.service.common.metrics

Provides interfaces and classes for metrics and notifications.


Interface Summary
ContainerMetricsHandler A MetricsHandler for registering container metrics.
MetricDescriptor.MetricValueProvider Callback interface for polled metric values.
MetricsCapable Optional interface that can be implemented if a service needs to register custom metrics.
MetricsHandler Provides methods for registering metrics.
NotificationsCapable Optional interface that can be implemented if a service needs to register and send custom notifications.
ServiceMetricsHandler A MetricsHandler for registering service instance metrics.

Class Summary
HistoryMode Type-safe enumeration of supported statistic update modes.
MetricDescriptor Describes a metric.
MetricsBuilder Builds various kinds of metrics.
MetricType Type-safe enumeration of supported metric types.
NoOpMetric Metric implementation that does nothing but hold a metric descriptor and write to the log.
NoOpMetricsHandler Metrics handler implementation that does nothing but write to the log.
NoOpNotificationsHandler Notification handler implementation that does nothing but write to the log.
UpdateMode Type-safe enumeration of supported statistic update modes.

Package com.sonicsw.esb.service.common.metrics Description

Provides interfaces and classes for metrics and notifications. Services that need to register custom metrics should implement MetricsCapable to be provided with a MetricsHandler. Services that need to register custom notifications should implement NotificationsCapable to be provided with a NotificationsHandler.


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