Interface IMonitoredContainerRuntimeAPI

public interface IMonitoredContainerRuntimeAPI

Method Summary
 void clearLogFiles(java.lang.String containerRuntimeID)
          Invoke the Agent's JMX clearLogFile operation, which deletes the current log file and the archived ones
 IContainerState getMFContainerState(java.lang.String containerName)
          Return the state for the MF container
 boolean isMFComponentOnline(java.lang.String containerName, java.lang.String componentName)
          Answer whether the specified component is online.
 void launchMFContainer(java.lang.String containerID)
          Start the monitored container
 void reloadMFComponent(java.lang.String containerName, java.lang.String componentName)
          Reload a component within the MF container.
 void restartMFContainer(java.lang.String canonicalName)
          Restart a running container
 void setContainerLaunchActivationDaemon(java.lang.String containerName, java.lang.String daemonName)
          Allow the user to use a different activation daemon for container launch Currently, it does not change the activation daemon configured with the domain manager which starts the auto-launch containers.
 void shutdownMFContainer(java.lang.String canonicalName)
          Shutdown the monitored container.
 void startMFComponent(java.lang.String containerName, java.lang.String componentName)
          Starts the MF component if it has not already been started.

Method Detail


void launchMFContainer(java.lang.String containerID)
                       throws ESBAPIException
Start the monitored container

containerID - The configuration ID of the container
ESBAPIException - If the container cannot be found or if there's a problem with communications with the activation daemon or if there is a problem during the launch


void shutdownMFContainer(java.lang.String canonicalName)
                         throws ESBAPIException
Shutdown the monitored container.

canonicalName - The runtime name of the container in <domainName>.<containerName> form
ESBAPIException - if there is a problem communicating with the container or there is a problem during the shutdown.


void restartMFContainer(java.lang.String canonicalName)
                        throws ESBAPIException
Restart a running container

canonicalName - The runtime id of the running container in the form <domainName>.<containerName>
ESBAPIException - if there is a problem communicating to the container or if there is a problem restarting the container


boolean isMFComponentOnline(java.lang.String containerName,
                            java.lang.String componentName)
                            throws ESBAPIException
Answer whether the specified component is online.

containerName - The runtime ID of the MF container in the canonical form <domainName>.<containerName> or the logical configuration ID of the container, ie. /Containers/dev_ESBTest. This parameter should not be null, as this method checks that the container is online using the container runtime ID derived from this argument.
componentName - The simple component name, for instance "dev_ESBCore", or the logical configuration ID of the container, ie. /ESBContainers/dev_ESBTest or the complete runtime ID of the component, for instance, Domain1.dev_ESBTest:ID=dev_ESBTest.
true if the component is online, false if the container or the component is not online
ESBAPIException - If there is an error during the invocation of the reload operation, or the container doesn't exist


void reloadMFComponent(java.lang.String containerName,
                       java.lang.String componentName)
                       throws ESBAPIException
Reload a component within the MF container.

containerName - The runtime ID of the MF container in the canonical form <domainName>.<containerName> or the logical configuration ID of the container, ie. /Containers/dev_ESBTest. This parameter should not be null, as this method checks that the container is online using the container runtime ID derived from this argument.
componentName - The simple component name, for instance "dev_ESBCore", or the logical configuration ID of the container, ie. /ESBContainers/dev_ESBTest or the complete runtime ID of the component, for instance, Domain1.dev_ESBTest:ID=dev_ESBTest.
ESBAPIException - If there is an error during the invocation of the reload operation, or the container doesn't exist or the container is not online.


void startMFComponent(java.lang.String containerName,
                      java.lang.String componentName)
                      throws ESBAPIException
Starts the MF component if it has not already been started.

containerName - The runtime ID of the MF container in the canonical form <domainName>.<containerName> or the logical configuration ID of the container, ie. /Containers/dev_ESBTest. This parameter should not be null, as this method checks that the container is online using the container runtime ID derived from this argument.
componentName - The simple component name, for instance "dev_ESBCore", or the logical configuration ID of the container, ie. /ESBContainers/dev_ESBTest or the complete runtime ID of the component, for instance, Domain1.dev_ESBTest:ID=dev_ESBTest.
ESBAPIException - If there's an invocation exception during the start operation of the component, or the container is not online or doesn't exist or if the component doesn't exist in the container.


IContainerState getMFContainerState(java.lang.String containerName)
                                    throws ESBAPIException
Return the state for the MF container

containerName - The runtime ID of the container in the form <domainName>.<containerName> or the configuration name of the container.
The for the container
ESBAPIException - If there is a problem communicating with the domain manager or an underlying error getting the state of the container.


void setContainerLaunchActivationDaemon(java.lang.String containerName,
                                        java.lang.String daemonName)
                                        throws ESBAPIException
Allow the user to use a different activation daemon for container launch Currently, it does not change the activation daemon configured with the domain manager which starts the auto-launch containers.

containerName - The container name of MF container which contains the daemon, for instance, "DomainManager"
daemonName - The name of the activation daemon, for instance, "AutoLaunchDaemon". This is the name used when adding the daemon to the container.
ESBAPIException - If there's an error constructing the JMX object name of the daemon to be used for container startup.


void clearLogFiles(java.lang.String containerRuntimeID)
                   throws ESBAPIException
Invoke the Agent's JMX clearLogFile operation, which deletes the current log file and the archived ones

containerRuntimeID - The runtime ID of the container, in <domainName>.<containerName> form
ESBAPIException - If the container is not found, or the container is not online, or there is an error during the invocation of the clearLogFile JMX operation of the Agent.


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