Package progress.message.jclient

Interface Summary
Channel This interface contains methods that are implementated by all channels.
ChannelListener This class is implemented by developers who wish to be informed of changes in the status of a channel transfer.
ChannelStatus This interface is a user's window into the current status of a channel.
Connection Implementation of a JMS Connection A JMS Connection is a client's active connection to its JMS provider.
ConnectionStateChangeListener This class is implemented by developers who wish to be informed of changes in the state of a connection.
Header The Header stores name/value pairs associated with a MultipartMessage Part.
Message An Implementation of JMS Message.
MessageConsumer A client uses a MessageConsumer for receiving messages that have been delivered to a destination.
MessagePart The Part is a part of a MultipartMessage.
MultiDestination Description: A MultiDestination is made up of component Destinations.
MultipartMessage The MultipartMessage is a message that can contain one or more Parts.
MultiTopic Description: This interface defines a MultiDestination type that allows only Topic Destinations for its component Destinations.
Part The Part is a part of a MultipartMessage.
QueueBrowser A client uses a QueueBrowser to look at messages on a queue without removing them.
QueueConnection An implementation of javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
QueueReceiver A client uses a QueueReceiver for receiving messages that have been delivered to a queue.
QueueSession A QueueSession provides methods for creating QueueReceiver's, QueueSender's, QueueBrowser's and TemporaryQueues.
RejectionListener A RejectionListener is used to report errors for message delivered to the broker asynchronously.
Session An Implementation of a JMS Session.
TopicConnection An implementation of javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
TopicSession A TopicSession provides methods for creating TopicPublisher's, TopicSubscriber's and TemporaryTopics.
XMLMessage A XML Message is an extention of the TextMessage and is used to send a message containing XML text in a java.lang.StringBuffer.

Class Summary
AdministeredObjectFactory This class is for internal use only and its use is not supported in customer applications.
ConnectionFactory An implementation of a JMS ConnectionFactory.
Constants General constants available for user coding.
DeliveryMode This class defines the message delivery mode(s) specific to Progress SonicMQ
DestinationFactory Description: This factory provides a mechanism that can be used to a SonicMQ Destination without a Session of access to a JMS Object store.
Queue A Queue object encapsulates a provider-specific queue name.
QueueConnectionFactory An implementation of a JMS QueueConnectionFactory.
Topic A Topic object encapsulates a provider-specific topic name.
TopicConnectionFactory An implementation of a JMS TopicConnectionFactory.

Exception Summary
ChannelActiveException This exception is thrown when Duplicate Detection is in use and a channel with the given UUID is currently active.
ChannelDuplicateDetectException This exception is thrown when Duplicate Detection is in use and a channel with the given UUID has already been sent.
JMSAsynchronousDeliveryException This exception used to report errors for messages that are sent on a Connection where ConnectionFactory.getAsynchronousDeliveryMode() == Constants.ASYNC_DELIVERY_MODE_ENABLED


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