Class SonicStreamConstants

  extended by

public final class SonicStreamConstants
extends java.lang.Object

Defines properties, notification constants, and error codes used by the SonicStreams api.

Field Summary
          Predefined notification type: the receiver has successfully received all of the stream data.
          Predefined notification type: the receiver encountered an error while receiving the stream.
          Predefined notification type: the receiver is requesting a resend of the stream.
          Predefined notification type: the receiver has started receiving the stream.
static java.lang.String STR_ID
          Property name of stream identifier (String property).
static java.lang.String STR_NOTIFY_TYPE
          Property name of notification type, for notification messages (Integer property).
static java.lang.String STR_RECEIVER_ERRORCODE
          Property name of error code, for notification messages (Integer property).
static java.lang.String STR_RECEIVER_ERRORMSG
          Property name of error message textual description sent by receiver (String property).
static java.lang.String STR_RECEIVER_NAME
          Property name of the receiver [that generated notification message] name (String property).
static java.lang.String[] STREAM_ERRORS
          Maps a numeric error code to a String.
          Error code returned when a SonicInputStreamController has been closed or when a JMS connection drop has been detected.
          Error code returned by the receiver when a segment arrives with a stream identifier that corresponds to a stream whose segments have already been fully received.
          Error code returned when an a missing property or object (such as a JMS Connection) is detected.
          Error code returned by the receiver when the start of another stream with the same stream identifier is detected.
          Error code returned when a thread is interrupted while performing a stream-related operation, e.g. waiting for stream segments to arrive.
          Error code returned when a JMS exception has been thrown.
          Error code returned when a segment has been received for a stream that may have been closed or for which a header segment was not received.
          Error code returned when a read call has waited for longer than the configured timeout for a segment to arrive.
          Constant that indicates an error on the part of the user (e.g. improper configuration, failure to close an active output stream before creating a new output stream, etc.)
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String STR_ID
Property name of stream identifier (String property).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STR_NOTIFY_TYPE
Property name of notification type, for notification messages (Integer property). Value may be one of the notification type values defined below, or a user-defined value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STR_RECEIVER_ERRORCODE
Property name of error code, for notification messages (Integer property). Value may be one of the error codes below.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STR_RECEIVER_ERRORMSG
Property name of error message textual description sent by receiver (String property).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STR_RECEIVER_NAME
Property name of the receiver [that generated notification message] name (String property).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOTIFY_REC_STARTED
Predefined notification type: the receiver has started receiving the stream.

Note that any user-defined notifications should be defined with a value greater than that of any of the pre-defined types, in order to prevent a conflict.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOTIFY_REC_COMPLETED
Predefined notification type: the receiver has successfully received all of the stream data.

Note that any user-defined notifications should be defined with a value greater than that of any of the pre-defined types, in order to prevent a conflict.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOTIFY_REC_ERROR
Predefined notification type: the receiver encountered an error while receiving the stream.

Note that any user-defined notifications should be defined with a value greater than that of any of the pre-defined types, in order to prevent a conflict.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOTIFY_REC_RETRY_REQ
Predefined notification type: the receiver is requesting a resend of the stream.

Note that any user-defined notifications should be defined with a value greater than that of any of the pre-defined types, in order to prevent a conflict.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_USAGE
Constant that indicates an error on the part of the user (e.g. improper configuration, failure to close an active output stream before creating a new output stream, etc.) User action: based on the error text, make the necessary correction(s) to the application code.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_TIMEOUT
Error code returned when a read call has waited for longer than the configured timeout for a segment to arrive. User action: release the current stream and get the next stream.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_NO_INITCONTENT
Error code returned when a segment has been received for a stream that may have been closed or for which a header segment was not received. User action: have the sender create a new stream and resend the object/data.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_INCOMPLETE_STREAM
Error code returned by the receiver when the start of another stream with the same stream identifier is detected. This typically occurs when a sender is resending the contents of a stream (e.g. in the event of the detection of an initial failed send attempt). User action: release the current stream and get the next stream.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_DUPLICATE_STREAMID
Error code returned by the receiver when a segment arrives with a stream identifier that corresponds to a stream whose segments have already been fully received. Basically, this error code indicates that a duplicate segement was received. User action: none required; the duplicate chunk will be discarded on the receiving side.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_JMS_EXCEPTION
Error code returned when a JMS exception has been thrown. This may occur in the case of a lost/closed JMS session, etc. User action: dependent upon actual cause of exception (indicated in exception text); e.g. in the case of a failure while attempting to obtain a SonicStream instance from a SonicInputStreamController instance, it may be necessary to make another attempt or to close the existing controller instance and then create a new controller instance.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_CONNECTION_LOST
Error code returned when a SonicInputStreamController has been closed or when a JMS connection drop has been detected. User action: create a new controller instance and/or re-establish the JMS connection.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_ERROR
Error code returned when an a missing property or object (such as a JMS Connection) is detected. User action: take the appropriate steps based on the exception text; e.g. if the exception occurred because a reference to a JMS Connection instance was not supplied to the factory method createSonicOutputStreamController, the application code must be modified to provide the missing reference.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRERROR_INTERRUPTED
Error code returned when a thread is interrupted while performing a stream-related operation, e.g. waiting for stream segments to arrive. This may occur if an application begins shutting down while a stream is being read or sent. User action: Dependent upon the source of the interruption; e.g. if the interruption is caused by an application being shut down, no steps may be necessary.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String[] STREAM_ERRORS
Maps a numeric error code to a String.

Constructor Detail


public SonicStreamConstants()


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