Interface Summary |
IBrowseToken |
This interface represents state information maintained by the broker for
a given durable browser. |
IConnectionData |
This interface describes a connection to a SonicMQ broker. |
IConnectionMemberDetails |
This interface provides detailed information relating to a member of a broker
connection. |
IConnectionMemberInfo |
This interface provides basic information relating to a member of a broker
connection: its name, type and references to its parent and any children. |
IConnectionTreeNode |
This interface represents a node in the tree of connection members
obtained via the IBrokerProxy getConnectionTree() method. |
IDestination |
This interface represents a JMS destination for use by durable subscription
management operations. |
IDurableSubscriptionData |
This interface describes a JMS durable subscription registered with the SonicMQ broker. |
IGlobalQueueRouteData |
This interface describes a global queue advertisement known a SonicMQ broker. |
IMessage |
This interface represents a JMS Message. |
IMessageHeader |
This interface provides access to message property information for the
Management Framework. |
IMessageHeaderToken |
A token that represent a Message Header. |
IPreparedXABranchData |
This interface describes an in-doubt XA transaction branch held by the broker. |
IQueueData |
This interface describes a JMS queue managed by a SonicMQ broker. |
IReliableSequenceData |
This interface aggregates and summarizes information on reliable sequences maintained by a broker
The broker exposes an operation "getRemoteSubscriptionSummary" through its JMX interface. |
IRemoteSubscriptionSummary |
This interface aggregates and summarizes information on remote subscriptions propagated by
another routing node to a broker. |
IRoutingStatistic |
This interface describes a how many messages are pending delivery to remote brokers. |
ISubscriberData |
This interface provides data about a subscriber registered with the SonicMQ broker. |
ReplicationConnectionStateConstants |
This class defines constants for the values returned by runtime management
operations getReplicationConnectionState() and
getReplicationConnectionStateString(). |
ReplicationStateConstants |
This class defines constants for the values of the ReplicationState
and ReplicationStateString attributes. |