Interface XAConnection

All Superinterfaces:
Connection, XAConnection
All Known Subinterfaces:
XAQueueConnection, XATopicConnection

public interface XAConnection
extends XAConnection, Connection

XAConnection provides the same create options as Connection (optional). The only difference is that an XAConnection is by definition transacted.

1.0 - 14 July 2003
Tim Bemis
See Also:

Method Summary
 void close()
          Since a provider typically allocates significant resources outside the JVM on behalf of a XAConnection, clients should close them when they are not needed.
 Connection getConnection()
          Get a Connection associated with this XAConnection object.
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.XAConnection
createSession, createXASession
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.Connection
createConnectionConsumer, createDurableConnectionConsumer, getClientID, getExceptionListener, getMetaData, setClientID, setExceptionListener, start, stop
Methods inherited from interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
createSession, getBrokerReconnectURLs, getBrokerURL, getChannel, getConnectID, getConnectionState, getConnectionStateChangeListener, getRoutingNodeName, getStandbyBrokerReconnectURLs, getUnfinishedChannelIDs, getUnfinishedChannels, getUsername, hasUnfinishedChannel, hasUnfinishedChannels, isFaultTolerant, isSecure, setConnectionStateChangeListener, setPingInterval, setRejectionListener
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.Connection
createConnectionConsumer, createDurableConnectionConsumer, getClientID, getExceptionListener, getMetaData, setClientID, setExceptionListener, start, stop

Method Detail


void close()
           throws JMSException
Since a provider typically allocates significant resources outside the JVM on behalf of a XAConnection, clients should close them when they are not needed. Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these resources may not be timely enough. For example, the Connection and the XASession associated with this XAConnection are closed when this method is called.

Specified by:
close in interface Connection
JMSException - if JMS implementation fails to close the XA connection due to internal error. For example, a failure to release resources or to close socket connection can lead to throwing of this exception.


Connection getConnection()
                         throws JMSException
Get a Connection associated with this XAConnection object. There is one Connection per XAConnection at any time. If the Connection was closed, this method create another Connection.

a Connection.
JMSException - if JMS implementation fails to get the Connection due to internal error.


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