Sonic Management API


Interface Summary
ICanonicalName The implmentation of this interface represents the canonical name form of a container ot component.
IChildContainerState The implmentation of this interface represents the state of a child container managed by an Activation Daemon.
ICollectiveOpStatus Contains the status of a collective invocation of an operation or a collective setup of an attribute.
IComponentIdentity Represents the identity of component runtime instances.
IComponentState Indicates the runtime state of a component within its container.
IContainerExitCodes This interface describes the possible exit codes that may be generated on container termination.
IContainerIdentity Represents the identity of container runtime instances.
IContainerState The implmentation of this interface represents the state of a container and all its hosted components.
IFaultTolerantState Indicates the general permissible set of fault tolerant states.
IFileDescriptor File information to be sent remotely from the Host Manager to a client
IIdentity A base interface representing the runtime identity of runtime entities.
IMonitoredMetrics The IMonitoredMetrics interface represents a collection of stored metrics that are retrieved from a CollectionsMonitor instance, along with the timestamp of the last retrieved metric and a flag to indicate if there are any additional stored metrics to be retrieved from the CollectionsMonitor.
IMonitoredNotifications The IMonitoredNotifications interface represents a collection of stored notifications that are retrieved from a CollectionsMonitor instance, along with the timestamp of the last retrieved notification and a flag to indicate if there are any additional stored notifications to be retrieved from the CollectionsMonitor.
INotification The notification interface represents a notification emitted from a Sonic Management Framework compliant component.
IState A base interface for interfaces that describe container or component runtime state.
IStateController State controllers cause the behavioral change required by a transition from on particular state to another particular state.
IStateListener State listener methods are called for all state changes.
IStateManager A concrete implementation of the IStateManager interface acts as a central point for managing the state of an entity, such as the fault tolerant state of the DS or AM.

Class Summary
Level Defines a standard set of logging severity levels.

Exception Summary
NonRecoverableStateChangeException Thrown by an IStateController when it has determined that it will never be able to perform a requested state change without manual corrective action.
RecoverableStateChangeException Thrown by an IStateController when it has determined that it cannot perform the requested state change without backing out the requested state change and re-evaluating whether the requested state change is still required.

Sonic Management API

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