Sonic Management API
Interface IPreparedXABranchData

public interface IPreparedXABranchData

This interface describes an in-doubt XA transaction branch held by the broker.

The broker exposes an operation "getPreparedXABranches" through its JMX interface. This operation returns an array list of IPreparedXABranchData elements. The broker also supports commit and rollback of in-doubt XA transaction branches through the "commitPreparedXABranches" and "rollbackPreparedXABranches" operations which take an array of integers that describe the internal transaction identities (TIDs) of those branches to be committed or rolled back.

See Also:[]), IBrokerProxy.rollbackPreparedXABranches(java.lang.Integer[])

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAppID()
          Gets the internal application ID associated with this in-doubt XA branch.
 java.lang.String getBranchXID()
          Gets the string version of the JTA XID associated with this in-doubt XA branch.
 int getTID()
          Gets the internal transaction identity associated with this in-doubt XA branch.
 java.lang.String getUser()
          Gets the username associated with this in-doubt XA branch.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getAppID()
Gets the internal application ID associated with this in-doubt XA branch.


java.lang.String getBranchXID()
Gets the string version of the JTA XID associated with this in-doubt XA branch.


int getTID()
Gets the internal transaction identity associated with this in-doubt XA branch.

Internal transaction identities are used when doing a commit or rollback of in-doubt XA branches.

See Also:[]),[])


java.lang.String getUser()
Gets the username associated with this in-doubt XA branch. If there was no username provided on connection (allowed when security is disabled), then the returned value will be an empty string.

Sonic Management API

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