Sonic Management API


Interface Summary
IConnectionListener Implementors are expected to handle connection changes reported by the connector.
IOrphanedReplyListener Implementors are expected to handle replies that arrive after requests have timed out.
IRemoteMBeanServer Since JMX 1.1 does not yet define a remote MBeanServer interface, this interface does.

Class Summary
ExpressionBasedNotificationFilter This implementation of the interface provides a filter that uses regular expressions to determine which notifications should be sent to associated listeners.
JMSConnectorAddress Defines the JMS connector address.
JMSConnectorClient A JMS Connector uses the SonicMQ JMS implementation to provide JMX Connector functionality.

Exception Summary
CommunicationException This exception is used to wrap undefined exceptions trapped by the JMS/JMX connector client.

Sonic Management API

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