Note: The Enable Timestamp with Timezone connection has been deprecated, and the driver behavior has been updated to always expose timestamps with timezones to the application. For compatibility purposes, the EnableTimestampwithTimezone attribute can still be manually configured for this release, but will be deprecated in subsequent versions of the product. To configure the attribute on Windows, use the Extended Options field on the Advanced tab. For UNIX/Linux, using a text editor, add the attribute to your data source in the odbc.ini file.
EnableTimestampwithTimezone (ETWT)
Determines whether the driver exposes timestamps with timezones to the application.
Valid Values
0 | 1
If set to 1 (Enabled), the driver exposes timestamps with timezones to the application. The driver issues an ALTER SESSION at connection time to modify NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT. NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT is changed to the ODBC definition of a timestamp literal with the addition of the timezone literal: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSXFF TZR'.
If set to 0 (Disabled), timestamps with timezones are not exposed to the application.