You can load data from the bulk load data file into the target database through the DataDirect driver Setup dialog by selecting the Bulk tab and clicking Load Table. See "Bulk Tab" for a description of this procedure.
Your application can also load data from the bulk load data file into the target database using the using the DataDirect functions LoadTableFromFile (ANSI application) or LoadTableFromFileW (Unicode application). The application must first obtain driver connection handles and function pointers, as shown in the following example:
HDBC hdbc;
HENV henv;
void *driverHandle;
PLoadTableFromFile loadTableFromFile;
char tableName[128];
char fileName[512];
char configFile[512];
char logFile[512];
char discardFile[512];
int errorTolerance;
int warningTolerance;
int loadStart;
int loadCount;
int readBufferSize;
/* Get the driver's connection handle from the DM.
This handle must be used when calling directly into the driver.*/
rc = SQLGetInfo (hdbc, SQL_DRIVER_HDBC, &driverHandle, 0, NULL);
if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {
ODBC_error (henv, hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
EnvClose (henv, hdbc);
exit (255);
/* Get the DM's shared library or DLL handle to the driver. */
Use the BulkLoadBatchSize connection attribute to specify the number of rows the driver loads to the data source at a time when bulk loading data. Performance can be improved by increasing the number of rows the driver loads at a time because fewer network round trips are required. Be aware that increasing the number of rows that are loaded also causes the driver to consume more memory on the client.
A log file of events as well as a discard file that contains rows rejected during the load can be created during a bulk load operation. These files are configured through either the driver Setup dialog Bulk tab or the LoadTableFromFile function.
The discard file is in the same format as the bulk load data file. After fixing reported issues in the discard file, the bulk load can be reissued using the discard file as the bulk load data file.