This guide provides specific information about your Progress DataDirect forODBC driver. You can view this documentation in the HTML format installed with the product. The documentation is also available in PDF format . You can download the PDF version of the documentation at:
This guide is installed with the product as an HTML-based help system. This help system is located in the help subdirectory of the product installation directory. You can use the help system with any of the following browsers:
Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
Internet Explorer 7.x and higher
Firefox 3.x and higher
Safari 5.x
Google Chrome 44.x and earlier
On all platforms, you can access the entire Help system by opening the following file from within your browser:
where install_dir is the path to the product installation directory.
Or, from a command-line environment, at a command prompt, enter:
where browser_exe is the name of your browser executable and install_dir is the path to the product installation directory.
After the browser opens, the left pane displays the Table of Contents, Index, and Search tabs for the entire documentation library. When you have opened the main screen of the Help system in your browser, you can bookmark it in the browser for quick access later.
Note: Security features set in your browser can prevent the Help system from launching. A security warning message is displayed. Often, the warning message provides instructions for unblocking the Help system for the current session. To allow the Help system to launch without encountering a security warning message, the security settings in your browser can be modified. Check with your system administrator before disabling any security features.
Help is also available from the setup dialog box for each driver. When you click Help, your browser opens to the correct topic without opening the help Table of Contents. A grey toolbar appears at the top of the browser window.
This tool bar contains previous and next navigation buttons. If, after viewing the help topic, you want to see the entire library, click:
on the left side of the toolbar, which opens the left pane and displays the Table of Contents, Index, and Search tabs.