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Connection Option Descriptions : Transport Mode

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Transport Mode


TransportMode (TRM)


Specifies whether binary (TCP) mode or HTTP mode is used to access Apache Hive data sources.

Valid Values

0 | 1


If set to 0 (binary), Thrift RPC requests are sent directly to data sources using a binary connection (TCP mode).
If set to 1 (HTTP), Thrift RPC requests are sent using HTTP transport (HTTP mode). HTTP mode is typically used when connecting to a proxy server, such as a gateway, for improved security, or a load balancer.


*The setting of this option corresponds to that of the hive.server2.transport.mode property in your hive-site.xml file.
*When HTTP mode is enabled (TransportMode=1), the HTTP/HTTPS end point for the Hive server must be specified using the HTTP Path option.
*To configure the driver to use HTTPS end points, set TransportMode=1 (HTTP) and EncryptionMethod=1 (SSL).
*Apache Hive currently supports using only one protocol mode per server at a time.


0 (binary)


General tab

See also

*Encryption Method
*HTTP Path
*HTTP Mode