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Connection Option Descriptions : Catalog Mode

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Catalog Mode


CatalogMode (CM)


Specifies whether the driver uses native catalog functions to retrieve information returned by the SQLTables, SQLColumns, and SQLStatistics catalog functions.

Valid Values

0 | 1 | 2


If set to 0 (Mixed), the driver uses a combination of ODBC catalog functions and driver-discovered information to retrieve catalog information. Select this option for the optimal balance of performance and accuracy.
Note: In this setting, the driver uses the best techniques for retrieving information. These techniques vary depending on the server used, which may result in differences in performance.
If set to 1 (Native), the driver uses native catalog functions to retrieve information returned by the SQLTables, SQLColumns, and SQLStatistics catalog functions. This setting provides the best performance, but at the expense of less-accurate catalog information.
If set to 2 (Query Based), the driver uses driver-discovered information to retrieve catalog information. This option provides highly accurate catalog information, but at the expense of slower performance.


0 (Mixed)


Advanced tab

See Also

*Performance Considerations