User ID/Password Authentication
Determines which authentication method the driver uses when establishing a connection.
If set to kerberos, the driver uses Kerberos authentication.
If set to userIdPassword, the driver uses user ID/password authentication.
The default is userIdPassword.
Specifies a password that is used to connect to your database.
Specifies the user name that is used to connect to the database.
Additional Properties for Cookie Based Authentication (HTTP Mode only)
Specifies the name of the cookie used for authenticating HTTP requests when HTTP mode TransportMode=http and cookie based authentication are enabled (EnableCookieAuthentication=true).
The default is hive.server2.auth.
Determines whether the driver attempts to use cookie based authentication for requests to an HTTP endpoint after the initial authentication to the server. Cookie based authentication improves response time by eliminating the need to re-authenticate with the server for each request.
The default is true.