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Using the Driver : Using Authentication : Configuring the Driver for Kerberos Authentication : The JAAS Login Configuration File

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The JAAS Login Configuration File
A Kerberos environment must include a Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login configuration file. This login configuration file specifies the JAAS login module for Kerberos authentication.
You can create your own JAAS login configuration file, or you can use the JDBCDriverLogin.conf file installed with the driver. This file is installed in the /lib directory of the product installation directory.
Whether you are using the JDBCDriverLogin.conf file or another file, the login configuration file must contain the entry JDBC_DRIVER_01 with JAAS login module information. The following examples show that the JAAS login module information depends on your JRE.
Oracle JRE
JDBC_DRIVER_01 { required useTicketCache=true;
JDBC_DRIVER_01 { required useDefaultCcache=true;
Once the JAAS configuration file includes the JDBC_DRIVER_01 entry and JAAS login module information, the file must be referenced either directly in the application with the system property or through the Java security properties file with the login.config.url.n property. See "Configuring the Driver for Kerberos Authentication" for step-by-step instructions.
Refer to "JAAS Login Configuration File" in your Java documentation for information about setting options in the login configuration file.