Connection URL
After setting the CLASSPATH, the required connection information needs to be passed in the form of a connection URL. The form of the connection URL differs depending on whether you are using a binary or HTTP connection:
For binary connections (the default):
jdbc:datadirect:sparksql://servername :port [;property =value [;...]]
For HTTP connections (TransportMode=http):
jdbc:datadirect:sparksql://servername :port ;DatabaseName=database ;
specifies the name or the IP address of the server to which you want to connect.
specifies the port number of the server listener. The default is 10000 .
property = value
specifies connection property settings. Multiple properties are separated by a semi-colon.
This examples show how to establish a connection to a server with user ID/password authentication.
For binary connections:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
For HTTP connections:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection