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Welcome to the Progress DataDirect for JDBC for Salesforce Driver : What's New in this Release?

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What's New in this Release?

Support and certification

Visit the following web pages for the latest support and certification information.
*Release Notes
*Supported Configurations
*DataDirect Support Matrices

Changes Since 6.0.0

*Driver Enhancements
*yes, no, on and off have been added as valid values for the connection properties that accept boolean values.
*The driver has been enhanced to support OAuth 2.0 authentication. See Configuring OAuth 2.0 authentication for details.
*Changed Behavior
*The configuration options have been deprecated. However, the driver will continue to support them until the next major release of the driver.
*The driver has been updated to require a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is Java SE 8 or higher, including Oracle JDK, OpenJDK, and IBM SDK (Java) distributions. See Requirements for more details on JVM.
Java SE 7 has reached the end of its product life cycle and will no longer receive generally available security updates. As a result, the driver will no longer support JVMs that are version Java SE 7 or earlier. Support for distributed versions of Java SE 7 and earlier will also end.
*The precision for the Integer data type has been changed from 10 to 9.
*The NUM_PREC_RADIX value for the Double data type has been changed from 10 to 2.

Changes for 6.0.0

*Driver Enhancements
*The driver has been enhanced to support the Salesforce Bulk API, including PK chunking, for bulk fetch operations. This functionality can be enabled and configured with the EnableBulkFetch, BulkFetchThreshold, EnablePKChunking, and PKChunkSize connection properties. See Bulk API Properties for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support multiple simultaneous sessions. The number of active sessions should not exceed the number permitted by your Salesforce account and can be limited by the setting of the WSPoolSize connection property.
*The new WSPoolSize connection property allows you to specify the maximum number of sessions the driver uses. This allows the driver to have multiple Web service requests active simultaneously when multiple JDBC connections are open, thereby improving throughput and performance. See WSPoolSize for details.
*The Refresh Map SQL extension has been added to the driver. REFRESH MAP discovers native objects that have been added to the native data store since connection or since the last refresh and maps the objects into your relational view of native data. It also incorporates any configuration changes made to your relational view by reloading the schema map and associated files. See Refresh Map (EXT) for details.
*Changed Behavior
*The data source class com.ddtek.jdbcx.sforce.SForceDataSource40 has been deprecated. The data source class com.ddtek.jdbcx.sforce.SForceDataSource should be used for data source connections. The data source class com.ddtek.jdbcx.sforce.SForceDataSource now supports all JDBC specifications. See also Data Source and Driver Classes.
*In addition to the information listed here, refer to this compatibility FAQ for guidance on upgrading from the Progress DataDirect for JDBC for Salesforce 5.1 driver to the 6.0 driver.
*The driver’s SQL engine was upgraded for this release. Consequently, there are differences in how the driver handles some SQL queries. Refer to this SQL engine upgrade document for details. See also Supported SQL Statements and Extensions.
*The 6.0 driver pushes queries to Salesforce whenever possible. Queries that cannot be pushed to Salesforce with the 6.0 driver may be slower than comparable queries made with previous versions of the driver because data may be paged to disk while completing an operation. If you experience slow performance, please contact Technical Support. Our team will quickly address any performance issues you encounter.
*Bulk load operations are no longer restricted to 10,000 rows for evaluation installations of the driver.
*The native CURRENCY and PERCENTAGE data types now map to the DECIMAL JDBC data type. In earlier releases, these data types mapped to the DOUBLE data type. See Data Types details.
*The DatabaseName property has been deprecated. The SchemaMap property should now be used to specify the fully qualified path of the configuration file where the map of the Salesforce data model is written. See SchemaMap for details.
*The CreateDB and RefreshSchema properties have been deprecated. The CreateMap property should now be used to specify whether the driver creates a new schema map when establishing the connection. See CreateMap for details.
*The RefreshDirtyCache property has been deprecated. Now, for every fetch operation, the driver refreshes the cached object to pick up changes made to tables and rows.
*The following connection properties and configuration options now have new default settings.
*The default value of the EnableBulkLoad connection property has been updated to true. By default, the bulk load protocol can be used for inserts, updates, and deletes based on the BulkLoadThreshold property. See EnableBulkLoad for details.
*The default value for the StmtCallLimit connection property has been updated to 100. By default, the driver can make a maximum of 100 Web service calls when executing any single SQL statement or metadata query. See StmtCallLimit for details.
*The default value for the AuditColumns configuration option has been updated to all (AuditColumns=all). By default, the driver includes all audit columns and the master record id column in its table definitions. See ConfigOptions for details.
*The default value for the CustomSuffix configuration option has been updated to include (CustomSuffix=include). By default, the driver includes the "__c" suffix table and column names when mapping the Salesforce data model. See ConfigOptions for details.
*The default value for the MapSystemColumnName configuration option has been updated to 0 (MapSystemColumnNames=0). By default, the driver does not change the names of the Salesforce system columns when mapping the Salesforce data model. See ConfigOptions for details.