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Using the driver : Using Connection Properties : Bulk API Properties

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Bulk API Properties

The following table summarizes connection properties that are used to implement the Salesforce Bulk API for selects, inserts, updates, and deletes.
Table 9. Bulk API Properties
Specifies a number of rows that, if exceeded, signals the driver to use the Salesforce Bulk API for select operations. For this behavior to take effect, the EnableBulkFetch property must be set to true.
If set to 0, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API for all select operations.
If set to x, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API for select operations when the value of x is exceeded.
The default is 30000 (rows).
Determines whether the driver treats bulk load operations as synchronous or asynchronous.
If set to 0, bulk load operations are synchronous. The driver does not return from the method that invoked an operation until the operation has completed or the operation has timed out. If the operation times out, the driver throws an exception.
If set to 1, bulk load operations are asynchronous. The driver returns from the method that invoked an operation immediately after the operation is submitted to the server. The driver does not verify that the bulk load operation was completed.
The default is 0 (synchronous).
Provides a suggestion to the driver for the number of rows to load to the database at a time when bulk loading data.
The default is 10000.
Determines whether multiple batches associated with a bulk load operation are processed by Salesforce in parallel or one at a time.
If set to parallel, multiple batches associated with a bulk load operation are processed in parallel. The order in which the batches are processed can vary.
If set to serial, multiple batches associated with a bulk load operation are processed one at a time.
The default is parallel.
Specifies the number of seconds the driver waits to request bulk operation status. This interval is used by the driver the first time it requests status and for all subsequent status requests.
The default is 10 (seconds).
Specifies a number of rows that, if exceeded, signals the driver to use the Salesforce Bulk API for inserts, updates, and deletes. For this behavior to take effect, the EnableBulkLoad property must be set to true.
If set to 0, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API for all inserts, updates, and deletes.
If set to x, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API to execute the insert, update, or delete operation when the value of x is exceeded.
The default is 4000 (rows).
Specifies whether the driver can use the Salesforce Bulk API for selects based on the value of the BulkFetchThreshold connection property. If the number of rows expected in the result set exceeds the value of BulkFetchThreshold property, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API to execute the select operation. Using the Salesforce Bulk API may significantly reduce the number of Web service calls used to execute a statement and, therefore, may improve performance.
If set to true, the driver can use the Salesforce Bulk API for selects based on the value of the BulkFetchThreshold connection property. If the number of rows expected in the result set exceeds the value of BulkFetchThreshold property, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API to execute the select operation.
If set to false, the driver does not use the Salesforce Bulk API, and the BulkFetchThreshold property is ignored.
The default is true.
Specifies whether the driver can use the Salesforce Bulk API for inserts, updates, and deletes based on the value of the BulkLoadThreshold connection property. If the number of affected rows exceeds the value of BulkLoadThreshold property, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API to execute the insert, update, or delete operation. Using the Salesforce Bulk API may significantly reduce the number of Web service calls used to execute a statement and, therefore, may improve performance.
If set to true, the driver can use the Salesforce Bulk API for inserts, updates, and deletes based on the value of the BulkLoadThreshold connection property. If the number of affected rows exceeds the value of BulkLoadThreshold property, the driver uses the Salesforce Bulk API to execute the insert, update, or delete operation.
If set to false, the driver does not use the Salesforce Bulk API, and the BulkLoadThreshold property is ignored.
The default is true.
Specifies whether the driver uses PK chunking for select operations. PK chunking breaks down bulk fetch operations into smaller, more manageable batches for improved performance.
If set to true, the driver uses PK chunking for select operations when the expected number of rows in the result set is greater than the values of the BulkFetchThreshold and PKChunkSize properties. For this behavior to take effect, the EnableBulkFetch property must also be set to true.
If set to false, the driver does not use PK chunking when executing select operations, and the PKChunkSize property is ignored.
The default is true.
Specifies the size, in rows, of a primary key chunk when PK chunking has been enabled via the EnablePKChunking property. The Salesforce Bulk API splits the query into chunks of this size.
PKChunkSize may be set to a maximum value of 250000 rows.
The default is 100000 (rows).