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Using the driver : DataDirect Bulk Load

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DataDirect Bulk Load

In addition to supporting the native bulk protocols in Oracle databases, the driver supports DataDirect Bulk Load. DataDirect Bulk Load allows you to perform bulk load operations by creating a DDBulkLoad object and using the methods provided by the DDBulkLoad interface in the com.ddtek.jdbc.extensions package for bulk load. You may want to use this method if you are developing a new application that needs to perform bulk load operations.
Important: Because a bulk load operation may bypass data integrity checks, your application must ensure that the data it is transferring does not violate integrity constraints in the database. For example, suppose you are bulk loading data into a database table and some of that data duplicates data stored as a primary key, which must be unique. The driver will not throw an exception to alert you to the error; your application must provide its own data integrity checks.
* Using a DDBulkLoad object