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Using the driver : Using connection properties : Bulk load properties

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Bulk load properties

The following table summarizes the connection properties used to configure how bulk operations are executed by the driver.
Note: The driver also supports DataDirect Bulk Load. If you are developing a new application that needs to perform bulk load operations, you can use DataDirect Bulk Load to send large numbers of rows of data to a database. See "DataDirect Bulk Load" for details.
Table 8. Bulk load properties
Provides a suggestion to the driver for the number of rows to load to the database at a time when bulk loading data. Performance can be improved by increasing the number of rows the driver loads at a time because fewer network round trips are required. Be aware that increasing the number of rows that are loaded also causes the driver to consume more memory on the client.
The default is 1000.
Enables bulk load protocol options for batch inserts that the driver can take advantage of when EnableBulkLoad is set to a value of true.
By default, the TableLock option assigns a table lock for the duration of the bulk copy operation. Other applications cannot update the table until the operation completes. If unspecified, the default bulk locking mechanism specified by the database server is used.
Specifies whether the driver uses the native bulk load protocols in the database. Bulk load bypasses the data parsing that is usually done by the database, providing an additional performance gain over batch operations. This property allows existing applications with batch inserts to take advantage of bulk load without requiring changes to the application code.
If set to true, the driver uses the native bulk load protocols for batch inserts.
If set to false, the driver uses the batch mechanism for batch inserts.
By default, the driver uses standard parameter arrays to perform batch inserts instead of the native bulk load protocols in the database.