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Using the driver : Configuring Bulk Load

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Configuring Bulk Load

The Oracle driver supports DataDirect Bulk Load, a feature that allows your application to send large numbers of rows of data to a database. There are some functional limitations. See "Bulk Load limitations" for details.
The following table summarizes the connection properties that affect how bulk load works with the Oracle driver.
Table 16. Summary: Bulk Load Properties for the Oracle Driver
Provides a suggestion to the driver for the number of rows to load to the database at a time when bulk loading data. The default is 1000.
Enables bulk load protocol options for batch inserts that the driver can take advantage of when the "EnableBulkLoad" property is set to a value of true. The default is 0 (the bulk load operation continues even if a value that can cause an index to be invalidated is loaded).
Specifies whether the driver uses the native bulk load protocols in the database instead of the batch mechanism for batch inserts. The default is false.
See "Permissions for bulk load from a CSV file" for information about granting permissions for bulk loading from a CSV file on a Java Platform with the standard Security Manager enabled.
See "DataDirect Bulk Load" for additional information on bulk load functionality.
* Bulk Load limitations