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Connection Property Descriptions : SchemaMap

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Specifies the fully qualified path of the configuration file where the relational map of native data is written. The driver looks for this file when connecting to a MongoDB server. If the file does not exist, the driver creates one.

Valid Values

is the absolute path and filename of the configuration file, including the .config extension. For example, if SchemaMap is set to a value of C:\\Users\\Default\\AppData\\Local\\Progress\\DataDirect\\MongoDB_Schema\\MyServer.config, the driver either creates or looks for the configuration file MyServer.config in the directory C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Progress\DataDirect\MongoDB_Schema\.


*When connecting to a MongoDB server, the driver looks for the SchemaMap configuration file. If the configuration file does not exist, the driver creates a SchemaMap using the name and location you have provided. If you do not provide a name and location for SchemaMap, the driver creates a SchemaMap using default values.
*The driver uses the path specified in this connection property to store additional internal files.
*You can refresh the internal files related to an existing relational view of your data in one of two ways. First, you can use the SQL extensions Refresh Map or Reload Map. Refresh Map runs a discovery against your native data and updates your internal files accordingly, while Reload Map refreshes the internal files to integrate configuration changes without running a discovery. Second, you can refresh these internal files by launching the DataDirect Schema Tool and opening the corresponding schema map configuration file. When an existing schema is opened with the Schema Tool, the Schema Tool automatically compares the content of the schema configuration file to a snapshot of the data on the wire. When new native objects are detected, the Schema Tool displays the newly detected objects by highlighting them in a hierarchical view of the native data.
*SchemaMap was formerly SchemaDefinition.


*For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
*userprofile\Application Data\Local\Progress\DataDirect\MongoDB_Schema\hostname.config
*For other Windows platforms
*User data source: userprofile\AppData\Local\Progress\DataDirect\MongoDB_Schema\hostname.config
*System data source: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Progress\DataDirect\MongoDB_Schema\hostname.config
*For UNIX/Linux

Data Type


See also

*Creating and Customizing Schemas Using the DataDirect Schema Tool
*Refresh Map (EXT)
*Reload Map (EXT)
*Mapping Objects to Tables