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Supported SQL Functionality : Refresh Map (EXT)

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Refresh Map (EXT)


The REFRESH MAP statement adds newly discovered objects to your relational view of native data. It also incorporates any configuration changes made to your relational view by reloading the schema map and associated files.


limits the sampling performed by the driver to only those collections that are newly discovered. When executing REFRESH MAP, this can offer significant performance gains if you only want to sample new collections or the existing collections are unchanged. If NEW is not specified in the statement, all collections are resampled.


*Newly discovered objects are mapped using the same relational view you selected in Creating a Schema with the Table Wizard. If you did not select a view with the Schema Tool, or selected a custom view, the driver maps new objects using a normalized view.
*REFRESH MAP is an expensive query since it involves the discovery of native data. However, by specifying NEW in the statement, you can reduce the overhead associated with this query by sampling only new collections.