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Welcome to the Progress DataDirect for JDBC for Apache Hive Driver : What's new in this release?

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What's new in this release?

For the latest certifications and enhancements, refer to the release notes for Progress DataDirect for JDBC drivers.

Changes Since 6.0.1 GA

*Driver Enhancements
*The driver has been enhanced to support ACID operations for Inserts, Updates, and Deletes on servers that are configured to use them. See Restrictions for Apache Hive functionality for more information on limitations and restrictions.
*The driver has been enhanced to support Kerberos authentication for Apache ZooKeeper. See Configuring Apache ZooKeeper for Kerberos authentication for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support Apache ZooKeeper, which can be configured using the updated ServerName connection property and the new ZooKeeper Discovery and ZooKeeper Name Space connection properties. See Apache ZooKeeper, ServerName, ZooKeeperDiscovery , ZooKeeperNamespace for details.

Highlights of the 6.0.1 Release

*Hive Version Certifications
*Hortonworks Distribution for Apache Hadoop 2.6
*MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop 5.2
*Driver Enhancements
*The driver has been enhanced to support the following complex data types: Array, Map, Struct, and Union. See Data types for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support the Statement.cancel API, which allows you to cancel running queries. See Statement for details.
*The new InitializationString connection property allows you to specify one or multiple SQL commands to be executed by the driver at connection. This provides a method for specifying session settings at connection, such as runtime server-side variables or timezones. See InitializationString for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support the Binary data type, including the following two new connection properties:
*MaxBinarySize allows you to specify the maximum length of fields of the Binary data type that the driver describes through result set descriptions and metadata methods.
*BinaryDescribeType allows you to specify whether Binary columns are described as VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY.
See Data types, BinaryDescribeType, and MaxBinarySize for details.
*The new MaxStringSize property allows you to specify the maximum length of fields of the String data type that the driver describes through result set descriptions and metadata methods. See MaxStringSize for details.
*Changed Behavior
*The ServicePrincipalName property has been updated to provide a default value. If no value is specified, the driver builds the default using hive for the service name and the value of the ServerName property as the fully qualified domain name. See ServicePrincipalName for details.

Highlights of the 6.0.0 Release

*Hive Version Certifications
*Certified with Hive 2.0.x, 2.1.x
*Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12
*Hortonworks Distribution for Apache Hadoop (HDP) 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
*IBM BigInsights 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
*Driver Enhancements
*The driver has been enhanced to optimize the performance of fetches.
*The driver has been enhanced to support the Char, Date, Decimal, and Varchar data types. See Data types for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support HTTP mode, which allows you to access Apache Hive data stores using HTTP/HTTPS requests. HTTP mode can be configured using the new TransportMode and HTTPPath connection properties. See HTTP Mode,TransportMode, and HTTPPath for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support cookie based authentication for HTTP connections. Cookie based authentication can be configured using the new EnableCookieAuthentication and CookieName connection properties. See Configuring user ID/password authentication, EnableCookieAuthentication, and CookieName.
*The driver has been enhanced to support Apache Knox. See Apache Knox for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support Impersonation and Trusted Impersonation using the new ImpersonateUser property. See ImpersonateUser for details.
*The BatchMechanism connection property has been added to the driver. When BatchMechanism is set to multiRowInsert, the driver executes a single insert for all the rows contained in a parameter array. MultiRowInsert is the default setting and provides substantial performance gains when performing batch inserts. See BatchMechanism for details.
*The new CatalogMode connection property allows you to determine whether the driver uses native catalog functions to retrieve information returned by DatabaseMetaData functions. In the default setting, the driver employs a balance of native functions and driver-discovered information for the optimal balance of performance and accuracy when retrieving catalog information. See CatalogMode for details.
*The new ArrayFetchSize connection property improves performance and reduces out of memory errors. ArrayFetchSize can be used to increase throughput or, alternately, improve response time in Web-based applications. See ArrayFetchSize and Performance considerations for details.
*The new ArrayInsertSize connection property provides a workaround for memory and server issues that can sometimes occur when inserting a large number of rows that contain large values. See ArrayInsertSize for details.
*The driver's Kerberos functionality has been enhanced to support SASL-QOP data integrity and confidentiality. See Kerberos SASL-QOP for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support SSL, incorporating the addition of nine new connection properties. See Data encryption for details.
*Changed Behavior
*The driver supports Hive versions 1.0 and higher. Support has been deprecated for earlier versions of Hive.
*Support has been deprecated for the following distributions:
*Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR) 2.1.4, 2.24-3.1.4 , 3.2-3.3.1, 3.2-3.7
*Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
*Hortonworks Distribution for Apache Hadoop 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
*IBM BigInsights 3.0
*MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop 1.2, 2.0
*Pivotal Enterprise HD 2.0.1, 2.1
*The driver supports the HiveServer2 protocol and higher, and as a result:
*Support for the HiveServer1 protocol has been deprecated
*The WireProtocolVersion connection property has been deprecated
*For Kerberos authentication environments, the following changes have been implemented:
*The driver no longer sets the system property to force the use of the installed JDBCDriverLogin.conf file as the JAAS login configuration file. By default, the driver now uses the default JAAS login configuration file for Java, unless you specify a different location and file using the system property.
*The driver no longer sets the system property to force the use of the krb5.conf file installed with the driver jar files in the /lib directory of the product installation directory.
*See Configuring the driver for Kerberos authentication for details.