Specifies the number of fields the driver uses to calculate the maximum number of rows sent in a packet when executing a multi-row insert. When executing a multi-row insert, the driver divides the ArrayInsertSize value by the number of columns in a particular insert statement to determine the number of rows to send in a packet. By determining the packet size based on the number of fields, the driver can avoid out of memory errors when executing inserts containing a large number of columns while continuing to provide improved performance when executing inserts containing a small number of columns.
In most scenarios, the default setting for ArrayInsertSize provides the ideal driver behavior; however, you may need to reduce the value specified if you encounter either of the following:
Performance or memory issues when inserting a large number of rows that contain large values.
The following error when inserting a large number of rows when using Apache Knox: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error.
Valid Values
is a positive integer representing the number of fields.