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Administering Hybrid Data Pipeline : User provisioning : Provisioning users with the Web UI : Update user accounts

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Update user accounts
The Web UI can be used to update the following attributes of a user account.
*User name
*User role
*User status (active or inactive)
*Authentication service
*User password
*Throttling limits
*Administrative access
Take the following steps to update a user account through the Web UI.
1. Navigate to the Manage Users view by clicking the manage users icon .
2. Select the user account you want to update.
3. Click the Actions dropdown. Then select Edit.
4. Under the General tab, update user information as desired..
*Tenant. The tenant field displays the tenant to which the user belongs. However, you may not select another tenant in order to transfer the user. To transfer a user from one tenant to another, you must create a new user account in the tenant to which the user is moving.
*User Name. You may edit the user name field.
*Role. You may assign a different or additional role to the user.
*Status. You may change the user's status. The user can be active or inactive.
5. Under the Authentication Setup tab, update authentication information as desired.
*Authentication Type. Specify the method of authentication the user must use to login. In addition to the internal authentication service, an administrator can integrate an external authentication service such as Active Directory. See Authentication for details.
*Password. Enter a new user password. See Password policy for password requirements.
*Confirm Password. Re-enter the new password.
6. Under the Limits tab, update throttling limits for the user as desired.
*MaxFetchRows. The maximum number of rows to be fetched for a single query.
*ODataMaxConcurrentQueries. The maximum number of concurrent active OData queries per data source.
*TransactionTimeout. The number of seconds the system allows a transaction to be idle before rolling it back.
*XdbcMaxResponse. The approximate maximum size of JDBC/ODBC HTTP result data (in KB).
7. Under the Tenant Admin Access tab, administrative access to tenants may be granted or removed.
8. Click Save.
The user has been updated.