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Welcome to DataDirect Hybrid Data Pipeline : Deployment scenarios : Standalone deployment : System database for standalone deployment

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System database for standalone deployment
Hybrid Data Pipeline requires a system database for storing user and configuration information. When deploying the service on a standalone node, you can opt to use either the embedded internal database or a supported external database. A standalone installation with an internal system database is the quickest way to get Hybrid Data Pipeline up and running. With this deployment, the service can be installed and administered from a single machine. This deployment is an efficient way to test and evaluate the service. However, for a production environment, an external system database should be used. An external system database provides better security and more flexibility for backing up system information. As a best practice, the external system database should be replicated, or mirrored, to promote the continuous availability of the service. Configuring Hybrid Data Pipeline to use a system database occurs during installation.
* External system databases