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Welcome to DataDirect Hybrid Data Pipeline : Deployment scenarios : Standalone deployment

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Standalone deployment

Hybrid Data Pipeline configuration depends in part on whether you are deploying the service on a standalone node or deploying the service on one or more nodes behind a load balancer. The standalone deployment simplifies installation and administration of the service. For this reason, the standalone deployment is an efficient way to test proof of concepts and evaluate the service. In a standalone deployment, the service is installed on a single host machine and queries must be directed to this machine.
Hybrid Data Pipeline is largely configured during the installation process. The following configuration details should be addressed before installation to ensure a successful standalone deployment.
*Login credentials for standalone deployment
Passwords for the default administrator and user accounts must be specified during installation of the Hybrid Data Pipeline server. When initially logging in to the Web UI or using the API, you must authenticate as one of these users.
*System database for standalone deployment
A system database is required for storing user and configuration information. For standalone deployments, you can use either the embedded internal database or a supported external database to serve as the system database. However, an external system database should be used in production environments.
*Shared files and the key location for standalone deployment
The installation program creates shared files used in the operation of the data access service. During installation, you choose where and how these files should be stored. In a production environment, the files used to connect to the system database should be secured on a machine separate from the machines hosting the Hybrid Data Pipeline service and the system database. In addition, all shared files should be backed up as a matter of best practices. In the case of system failure, these backups can be used to restore the service.
*Access ports for standalone deployment
The access ports used for Hybrid Data Pipeline should be enabled for incoming traffic and unallocated for other purposes.
*SSL certificates for standalone deployment
To implement SSL/TLS in a Hybrid Data Pipeline environment, an SSL certificate file must be specified during installation. For standalone deployments, a self-signed certificate is available for testing or evaluation purposes, but a PEM file should be specified to enable SSL in a production environment.
*Application and driver configuration for standalone deployment
Applications and drivers must be properly configured to ensure a successful deployment of the service.
*Firewall and port redirection using iptables for standalone deployment
Hybrid Data Pipeline Web UI and API endpoints are exposed by default on port 8080 for HTTP connections or port 8443 for HTTPS connections. The iptables firewall utility can be used to route connections from the standard HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443 to these endpoints.
* Login credentials for standalone deployment
* System database for standalone deployment
* Shared files and the key location for standalone deployment
* Access ports for standalone deployment
* SSL certificates for standalone deployment
* Application and driver configuration for standalone deployment
* Firewall and port redirection using iptables for standalone deployment