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Configuring Hybrid Data Pipeline Driver for ODBC : Connection properties reference : Client Time Zone

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Client Time Zone


ClientTimeZone (CTZ)


Specifies the time zone other than UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) that should be used when translating data store time and timestamp values between the Hybrid Data Pipeline service and the driver. Most data stores use UTC, while applications use and supply time and timestamp values in local time for the client. If the ClientTimeZone value is not specified (the initial default value), the driver uses system-specific client time zone settings to convert between the UTC time used by the cloud service and the local time used by the client application. The driver returns an error at connect time if it cannot obtain the client time zone. Client time zone settings vary among operating systems:
*On Windows systems, the driver translates the system time zone to an equivalent client time zone.
*On UNIX and Linux systems, the client time zone is set using the TZ variable, with the following exceptions:
*On Linux systems, if TZ is NULL or empty, the client time zone comes from the ZONE value in the following file: /etc/sysconfig/clock
*On Solaris, TZ may contain localtime. In this case, the driver uses the /etc/localtime link to determine the client time zone.
If you want the connectivity service to verify that this time zone has certain characteristics, you can append some verification information onto the time zone, such as an offset and daylight saving time indicator. The offset specification is the number of hours (and optional minutes) behind (indicated by a leading minus sign) or ahead (indicated by no sign or a plus sign) of UTC. If the time zone is expected to support daylight saving time, append D to the offset.

Valid Values

timezone[,[+ | -]HH[:MM][D] 
is a valid Java TimeZone ID. See your Java documentation or use the TimeZone.getAvailableIDs() method to return a list of valid IDs.
+ | -
optionally specifies whether the offset is before or after Greenwich Mean Time.
optionally specifies the number of hours and minutes to offset the time from Greenwich Mean Time.
signifies whether the time zone adjusts for daylight savings time.




Empty (the driver determines the client time zone based on the system-specific time zone settings)


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