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Installing and upgrading the Hybrid Data Pipeline server : Upgrading Hybrid Data Pipeline server : Silent upgrade process : Creating a response file for a standalone upgrade (GUI mode)

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Creating a response file for a standalone upgrade (GUI mode)
Note: The installer does not support changing a standalone deployment to a load balancer deployment during an upgrade, or vice versa. To make such a change, you would need to uninstall the server and then reinstall it. See Uninstalling Hybrid Data Pipeline server and Installing the Hybrid Data Pipeline server for details.
After copying the product installation file to a temporary directory, take the following steps to generate a response file for a standalone upgrade using the GUI installer.
1. From a command-line prompt, navigate to the directory where you saved the product file. Alternatively, place the product file directory on your path before proceeding to the next step.
The product file has the format PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_HDP_SERVER_nn_LINUX_64_INSTALL.bin, where nn is the version of the product.
2. Make the file an executable using the chmod command. Then, press ENTER. For example:
3. At a command-line prompt, type the following command where response_file is the path and file name of the response file you want to create. You must specify an absolute path.
The following example creates a response file named pipeline.response in the /home/users/johndoe directory.
PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_HDP_SERVER_nn_LINUX_64_INSTALL.bin -r /home/users/johndoe/pipeline.response
4. The License Agreement window appears. Make sure that you read and understand the license agreement. To continue with the installation, select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement option; then, click Next.
Note: You can exit the installation program at any time by clicking Cancel or return to the previous window by clicking Previous.
5. Choose the destination directory for the installation. Click Next to accept the default installation directory, or select Choose... to browse to a different directory, then click Next.
6. Choose whether you want to upgrade with an evaluation or licensed version of the product. Licensed installations require a valid License Key.
*Evaluation. Select this option to upgrade with an evaluation version that is fully functional for 30 days. Then, click Next.
*Licensed. Select this option if you purchased a licensed version of the product. Type the license key, including any dashes, and then click Next.
7. Accept or enter the fully qualified hostname of the machine that will host the Hybrid Data Pipeline server. By default, the installer suggests the name of the current machine.
Note the following important information. Then, click Next to continue.
*If you enter a hostname different than the hostname of the current machine, the installer will fail to validate the hostname. You are then prompted to reenter the hostname or skip validation. If you are planning on using the response file to install the product on a different machine, you should opt to skip validation.
*Before using the response file to install the product on another machine, the response file must have the SKIP_HOSTNAME_VALIDATION and SKIP_PORT_VALIDATION properties set to true. For example:
*Running an installation in silent mode with a response file containing these settings allows the silent installation to continue even if hostname or port validation fail. When the validation fails during the silent installation process, the installer generates the file SilentInstallInfo.log in the user's home directory but completes a full installation.
8. Select how you want to continue the upgrade.
*Select Express to persist previously established values. Then, click Next and continue at Step 23.
*Select Modify settings to change values for the following configurations. Then, click Next.
*Change the location of the SSL certificate file
*Change the Java configuration to use an external JRE
*Enable or disable FIPS
*Add MySQL Community Edition as a data store or external system database
*Change the system database you are using
*Update external system database credentials
*Change Server Access Ports
*Change On-Premises Connector Ports
*Change Server Internal Access Ports
Note: The key location where the generated key and internal files are stored cannot be modified when performing an upgrade.
9. Select the desired Java configuration.
Note: Further steps are required to integrate an external JRE. See External JRE support and integration for details.
*Select Use default Java if you will be using the embedded JRE installed with the server.
*Select Java home directory and provide the path to an external JRE if you will be using a JRE not installed with the server.
10. Select whether you want to enable FIPS on the Hybrid Data Pipeline server.
Important: To enable FIPS, your hardware must support secure random, or you must have a secure random daemon installed.
Important: When you enable FIPS during an upgrade, the environment uses the encryption key for the system database that was generated during the original installation of the server. This encryption key, while generated with a FIPS compliant algorithm, was not generated with a FIPS certified implementation of the algorithm.
11. Depending on your environment, provide the appropriate SSL certificate information.
*Select Certificate file to specify a PEM file to be used by the server to establish SSL connections with ODBC and JDBC client applications. Type the full path to the PEM file, or click Choose... to browse to the location of the PEM file. Then, click Next.
Note: The PEM file must consist of a private key, a public key certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA), and additional certificates that make up the trust chain. See The PEM file for more information.
*Select Use existing Certificate to use the SSL certificate specified in the previous installation or the self-signed certificate included with the installation. Then, click Next.
Note: The self-signed certificate may be used in a test environment. However, for production, a PEM file with required information should be specified. See The PEM file for more information.
12. Select whether you want to use MySQL Community Edition as a data source or external database. Hybrid Data Pipeline does not provide a driver for MySQL Community Edition; however, it does support the MySQL Connector/J driver. If you choose Yes, in the Jar Path field, provide the name and location of the driver's jar file. Click Next to continue.
Note: For more information on the MySQL Connector/J driver, refer to the MySQL developer website at
13. Select the type of database you want to use to store system information.
*Select Internal Database (supplied by this install) to use the default internal database. Click Next to continue. Continue at Step 21
*Select External Database to store the system information in an external database. Then, from the drop down box, choose your database vender. Then, click Next.
*Select Oracle, and continue at Step 14.
*Select MySQLCommunity, and continue at Step 15.
*Select MSSQLServer, and continue at Step 16.
*Select PostgreSQL, and continue at Step 17.
Note: Users and data sources created in the internal database are specific to the internal database. They are not migrated to the external database if you subsequently modify the Hybrid Data Pipeline Server to use an external database.
14. Provide the Oracle connection information.
a. Type the name of the host.
b. Type the port number.
c. Select the connection type. Do one of the following:
*If you connect using the Oracle System Identifier (SID), select Connect using SID, then type the SID.
*Select Connect using Service Name, then type the database service name that specifies the database that is used for the connection. The service name is a string that is the global database name. The global database name typically comprises the database name and domain name.
d. Optionally, in the Advanced Options field, specify additional connection parameters and their values to be included the connection url. Values should be entered as a semicolon-separated list of parameter=value. For example, you may enter to following options to configure SSL:
keyStorePassword=secret; serverType=dedicated;authenticationMethod=ntlm;
e. Click Next, and continue at Step 18.
15. Provide connection information for the MySQL Community Edition external database.
a. Type the name of the host.
b. Type the port number.
c. Type the database name.
d. Optionally, in the Advanced Options field, specify additional connection parameters and their values to be included the connection url. Values should be entered as an ampersand-separated list of parameter=value.
e. Click Next, and continue at Step 18.
16. Provide the SQL Server connection information.
a. Type the name of the host.
b. Type the port number.
c. Type the database name.
d. Type the name of the schema.
e. Optionally, in the Advanced Options field, specify additional connection parameters and their values to be included in the connection URL. Values should be entered as a semicolon-separated list of parameter=value.
f. Click Next, and continue at Step 18.
17. Provide the PostgreSQL connection information.
a. Type the name of the host.
b. Type the port number.
c. Type the database name.
d. Optionally, in the Advanced Options field, specify additional connection parameters and their values to be included in the connection URL. Values should be entered as a semicolon-separated list of parameter=value.
e. Click Next, and continue at Step 18.
18. Provide the external database credential information.
*In the Admin Username field, type the administrator user name. The administrator user must have certain privileges that are specific to the database vendor. For a list of required privileges, see External system databases.
*In the Admin Password field, type the password for an external database administrator account.
*In the Username field, type a user name. For a list of required privileges, see External system databases.
*In the Password field, type the user password.
*Administrator credentials are only required at install time to create the database schema. Administrator credentials are not used by the product at run time.
*Passwords for an external database implementation are not persisted. These values must be specified in the response file with the D2C_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD and D2C_DB_USER_PASSWORD options before running a silent install.
*The installer attempts to validate the database. If the installer is unable to validate, you are prompted to reenter credentials or skip validation. If you skip validation, the response file must have the SKIP_DATABASE_VALIDATION property set to true. During a silent upgrade, the installer will complete the upgrade even when the database validation fails.
19. Review the Server Access Ports. A Server Access Port must be available to the end user across the firewall. Best security practices recommend using an HTTPS port.
Access ports showing default values. If your environment has already defined one of these ports, a message window is displayed when you click Next.
Table 32. Server Access Ports
Port that exposes Hybrid Data Pipeline
SSL port that exposes Hybrid Data Pipeline
20. Select whether you are using the On-Premises Connector.
*If using the On-Premises Connector, select Enable On-Premises Connector. Click Next and continue to the next step.
*If not using the On-Premises Connector, leave the check box empty and click Next. Continue at Step 22.
21. Review the On-Premises Access Ports. The On-Premises Access Port and a Notification Server Port must be available across the firewall. Best security practices recommend using the SSL Notification Server Port.
Important: If you change any values for On-Premises Access Ports during an upgrade, you will need to reinstall the On-Premises Connector with the updated distribution files in the redist subdirectory. See "What to do next" in Performing a silent upgrade.
On-premises access ports with default values. If your environment has already defined one of these ports, a message window is displayed when you click Next.
Table 33. On-Premises Access Ports
On-Premises Port
Port for the On-Premises Connector
TCP Port
Port for the Notification Server
SSL Port
SSL port for the Notification Server
Message Queue Port
Port for the message queue
22. Review the Server Internal Ports. A port for the internal API and the Shutdown Port must be opened. Best security practices recommend using the Internal API SSL Port.
Important: As a matter of best practice, the Shutdown Port should not be available outside the firewall of the Hybrid Data Pipeline instance.
Server ports showing the default values. If your environment has already defined one of these ports, a message window is displayed when you click Next.
Table 34. Server Internal Ports
Internal API Port
Non-SSL port for the Internal API
Internal API SSL Port
SSL port for the Internal API
Shutdown Port
Shutdown port
23. Review the upgrade summary. If you are satisfied with your choices, press ENTER to generate the response file.
24. After the response file has been generated, press ENTER to exit the installer.
25. Confirm that a response file has been generated by navigating to the response file directory you specified in Step 3 and opening the response file.
26. Proceed to Editing a GUI generated upgrade response file.