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Welcome to the DataDirect Hybrid Data Pipeline Installation Guide : Deployment scenarios : Load balancer deployment : System database for load balancer deployment : External system databases

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External system databases
Hybrid Data Pipeline requires a system database for storing sensitive information used in the operation of the data access service. For a standalone node deployment, you can opt to use either the embedded internal database or a supported external database. For a load balancer deployment, you must use an external database. Depending on the external database you are using, certain requirements must be met. See the following sections for details.
*Supported databases
*Oracle requirements
*MySQL Community Edition requirements
*Microsoft SQL Server requirements
*PostgreSQL requirements

Supported databases

Note: Hybrid Data Pipeline supports Amazon RDS instances that are compatible with these supported database versions.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database
Microsoft Azure SQL Database 11
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Microsoft SQL Server 2014
MySQL Community Edition
Support based on MySQL Connector/J 5.1 1
Oracle Database
Oracle 12c R1, R2 (12.1, 12.2)
Oracle 11g R2 (11.2)
PostgreSQL 11

1 Hybrid Data Pipeline does not provide a driver for MySQL Community Edition. MySQL Connector/J 5.1 must be used to support the use of MySQL Community Edition as an external system database. Therefore, you should refer to the MySQL Connector/J 5.1 documentation for information on supported versions of MySQL Community Edition.

Oracle requirements

If you plan to store system information in an external Oracle database, you must provide the following information.
*Hostname (server name or IP address)
*Port information for the database. The default is 1521.
*SID or Service Name
*Administrator and user account information
*An administrator name and password. The administrator must have the following privileges:
*A user name and password for a standard account. The standard user must have the CREATE SESSION privileges.

MySQL Community Edition requirements

If you plan on to use a MySQL Community Edition database as an external system database, you must provide the following.
*A MySQL Connector/J driver, version 5.1, and its location
To download the driver, visit the MySQL developer website at
*Hostname (server name or IP address)
*Port information for the database. The default is 3306.
*Database Name
*Administrator and user account information:
*An administrator user name and password. The administrator must have the following privileges:
*A user name and password for a standard account. The standard user must have the following privileges:

Microsoft SQL Server requirements

If you plan to store system information in an external SQL Server database, you must take the following steps when setting up the SQL Server database.
1. Create a database schema to be used for storing Hybrid Data Pipeline system information.
2. Create an administrator who can access the newly created schema. The administrator must have the CREATE TABLE privileges.
3. Create a user who can access the newly created schema. The user must have the CREATE SESSION privileges.
After the SQL Server database has been setup, you must provide the following information during installation:
*Hostname (server name or IP address)
*Port information for the database. The default is 1433.
*Database Name
*Schema Name
*Administrator and user account information
*An administrator name and password. The administrator must have the CREATE TABLE privileges.
*A user name and password for a standard account. The user must have the CREATE SESSION privileges.

PostgreSQL requirements

If you plan to store system information on an external PostgreSQL database, you must take the following steps when setting up the PostgreSQL database.
1. Enable the citext PostgreSQL extension.
2. Create a database schema to be used for storing Hybrid Data Pipeline system information.
3. Create an administrator who can access the newly created schema. The administrator must have privileges to create tables.
4. Create a user who can access the newly created schema. The user must have privileges to select, insert, update, delete, and sequence tables.
After the PostgreSQL database has been setup, you must provide the following information during installation:
*Hostname (server name or IP address)
*Port information for the database. The default is 5432.
*Database Name
*Administrator and user account information
*An administrator name and password. The administrator must have privileges to create tables.
*A user name and password for a standard account. The user must have privileges to select, insert, update, delete, and sequence tables.