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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents : Test yourself questions: Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents

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Test yourself questions: Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents

Note: Try this test, and then go to Test yourself answers: Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents to correct yourself.
1. Filters act as master rules for all other rules in the same Rulesheet that share the same _________.
2. An expression that evaluates to a True or False value is called a _________ expression.
3. True or False. Condition row values sets must be complete.
4. True or False. Action row values sets must be complete.
5. The special term __________ can be used to complete any Condition row values set.
6. What operator is used to negate a Boolean expression?
7. If a Boolean expression is written in a Condition row, what values are automatically entered in the Values set when Enter is pressed?
8. A Filter expression written as Entity.boolean1=T is equivalent to (circle all that apply)
not (Entity.boolean1=F)
9. Of all alternatives listed in Question 71, which is the best choice? Why?
10. Describe the error (if any) in each of the following value ranges. Assume all are used in Conditions values sets.
a. {1…10, other}
b. {1..a, other}
c. {‘a'..other}
d. {1..10, 5..20, other}
e. {1..10, [10..20), other}
f. {‘red', ‘green', ‘blue'}
g. {<0, 0..15, >3}
11. True or False. The special term other may be used in Action row values sets.
12. Using best practices discussed in this chapter, model the following rules on a single Rulesheet:
*If the part is in stock and it has a blue tag, then the part's discount is 10%
*If the part is in stock and it has a red tag, then the part's discount is 15%
*If the part is in stock and it has a yellow tag, then the part's discount is 20%
*If the part is in stock and it has a green tag, then the part's discount is 25%
*If the part is in stock and it has any other color tag, then the part's discount is 5%
13. True or False. A Nonconditional rule is equivalent to an Action expression with no Condition.
14. True or False. A Nonconditional rule is governed by any Preconditions on the same Rulesheet.