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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Answers to test-yourself questions : Test yourself answers: Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents

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Test yourself answers: Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents

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1. Preconditions act as master rules for all other rules in the same Rulesheet that share the same scope
2. An expression that evaluates to a True or False value is called a Boolean expression
3. True
4. False. The requirement for complete Values sets only applies to Condition rows.
5. The special term other can be used to complete any Condition row values set.
6. not
7. {T, F}
8. all except Entity.boolean=F are equivalent, however some expressions are more clear than others!
9. Entity.boolean is probably the best choice since it is the simplest and most straightforward. The other two choices use double negatives which are harder for most people to understand.
a. OK as is
b. if the value range is supposed to contain Integer values, then a does not belong. If the range is supposed to contain String values then 1 and a need to be surrounded by single quotes as in {‘1’..’a’, other}
c. the special word other can’t be used as a range endpoint.
d. the range contains overlaps between 5 and 10, but this is acceptable in v5.
e. the range contains an overlap at 10, but this is acceptable in v5.
f. this is an incomplete set and should be {‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’, other}
g. the range contains overlaps between 3 and 15, but this is acceptable in v5.
11. False. The term other may not be used in Action row Values sets since Actions can only assign specific values.
12. The Rulesheet would be modeled as shown:
13. True
14. False. Nonconditional rules are governed by Preconditions on the same Rulesheet only if they share the same scope as the Preconditions.