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Coding for Portability
Naming conventions for files, tables, and variables : File path specifications

File path specifications

You can use UNIX pathname syntax in OpenEdge procedures in Windows. OpenEdge automatically converts the UNIX pathname syntax to Windows pathname syntax. This can help maintain portability among operating systems.
Use forward slashes (/) as separators in specifying file paths when using the RUN, INPUT FROM, or OUTPUT TO statements. Although OpenEdge running in Windows supports both forward slashes (/) and backslashes (\), OpenEdge running on UNIX supports only forward slashes. OpenEdge automatically converts forward slashes in pathnames to backslashes. Therefore, use forward slashes for the best portability across operating systems.
OpenEdge can only reference UNIX pathnames of up to 60 characters and Windows pathnames of up to 255 characters.
Use environment variables and relative paths instead of hard coding full paths. This allows you to make global changes more easily and creates more meaningful names. This also helps OpenEdge applications appear customized for each environment.