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Application Development Environment (ADE) Addenda
Progress Dynamics Addenda : Simplified message dialog for Progress Dynamics

Simplified message dialog for Progress Dynamics


OpenEdge R10.1C
OpenEdge R10.1C adds a method to control the visualization of the standard Progress Dynamics message dialog. A new Progress Dynamics session parameter, MessageBoxType, enables you to choose between three levels of visualization. So, without changing any objects in your application, you can change the functionality of the standard message dialog between different session types by changing the value of the session parameter.
By default, Progress Dynamics sessions continue to use the full functionality of the standard message dialog. None of the shipped session types include the MessageBoxType session parameter in their definitions. If you want to use simplified message dialogs, you should add the session parameter in your custom session types.
Users can override the session parameter in the user preferences. On the Administration window, choose File > Preferences to launch the Dynamics Preferences dialog. The Message Box Type combo-box enables users to choose the style of message box for their session.
The standard message dialog appears when the application code calls either the Session Manager's showMessages( ) or askQuestion( ) internal procedures. The Session Manager's showWarningMessages( ) internal procedure launches a different dialog box. The new session parameter does not affect the visualization of this alternate message box.
* Visualization levels
* Interaction with SESSION:DEBUG-ALERT