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Application Development Environment (ADE) Addenda
ADM Addenda : New DataView class : Query property changes

Query property changes

Some existing properties changed, as described in the following table.
Table 2. New or changed properties
This property now has Read/Write capability.
This property is Read only in the DataView class.
When you specify sort direction in a BY phrase within this property, you can use a pseudo-keyword, TOGGLE. The setQuerySort function has internal logic to handle this word in a BY phrase. When the function finds TOGGLE in a BY phrase, the function checks the sort direction of the current BY phrase. The function applies the opposite sort direction to the new BY phrase.
Caution: TOGGLE is not a true Progress 4GL keyword. You cannot use this word in BY phrases outside the context of this function and a few related functions.
This property is Read/Write in the DataView class, but Read only in the Data class.