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Application Development Environment (ADE) Addenda
ADM Addenda : EnableRule changes : New canUpdate() function for tableio and browsetoolbar actions

New canUpdate() function for tableio and browsetoolbar actions

All actions that can update data now include a canUpdate() function in their EnableRule. The canUpdate() function in the datavisual class (adm2/datavis.p) reflects whether the object can update data. The change ensures that the "Delete" action is disabled when there is no UpdateTarget. This change was added to all actions for consistency.
For standard ADM2, the initAction in toolbar.p now has canUpdate() in the EnableRule for "Add", "Copy", "Delete", and "Update".
The following table lists the actions changed in the Progress Dynamic's Repository:
"Add", "Copy", "Delete", "FolderUpdate", and "Update"
Other (for Browse* toolbars)
"Add2", "Copy2", "Delete2", and "Modify"
Actions like "Save", "Reset", and "Undo" do not have the new function. Those actions already have rules to ensure that they are never enabled until an appropriate action has been executed.