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Application Development Environment (ADE) Addenda
Progress Dynamics Addenda : Decimal values in dynamic combo-boxes

Decimal values in dynamic combo-boxes


OpenEdge R10.1A
In previous releases, you might encounter problems developing decimal dynamic combo-boxes. Previous releases stored the default flag values in the format used during development. This prevented deployment to numeric formats other than the one used for development. When deployed with another numeric format, either the combo displayed no data and generated errors or incorrect data was stored in the Repository for the <None> or <All> option.
Now default flag values are stored with American numeric format. You should enter the default flag values in the SmartDataField Maintenance Tool using the session's format, but the tool replaces the numeric decimal point with a period in the stored value. At run time, any stored periods in the data are replaced with the current session's numeric decimal point.
The DCU upgrade runs a fix program to convert existing default flag values for decimal dynamic combos to American format. The DCU must run in the format that was used to develop dynamic combos.
The fix program writes a message to the log file for each default flag value it attempts to convert. It writes a message when a value is converted successfully or writes a message if the conversion fails. Review the DCU log file after the upgrade and manually correct any failures. Any failures that are not corrected might not behave properly at run time.
Note: There are several Progress Dynamics objects in the Repository that store blank default flag value instance attributes and give messages in the log file. These are for the cbSCMTool dynamic combo on the following viewer objects: gsmsxgenviewv, gsmsxotviewv, gsmsxpmviewv. The messages for these objects are expected and you can ignore them.
You must manually convert any dynamic combo instance attributes stored in static viewer code in your application to American numeric format.