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Application Development Environment (ADE) Addenda
Progress Dynamics Addenda : Customizing AppBuilder traffic to the Repository

Customizing AppBuilder traffic to the Repository


OpenEdge R10.1C
Progress Dynamics code should not contain include references to adeuib, although calls to adeuib procedures can be made. However, in previous releases, some adeuib includes were erroneously added to the Progress Dynamics source code. OpenEdge R10.1C removes these include references.
The AppBuilder uses a procedure, ry/prc/rydynsckrp.p, to read the information that it needs to edit dynamic objects. It writes data back into the Repository using ry/prc/rygendynp.p. In previous releases, these procedures had references to include files in the adeuib directory. Because the adeuib source code is no longer shipped with the product, these references made it impossible to compile the procedures as released. The adeuib source code is still available from PSDN.
Release 10.1C moves the working code for reading and writing dynamic objects to adeuib/_dynsckr.p and adeuib/_gendyn.p, respectively. These procedures are called from rydynsckrp.p and rygendynp.p. All of the calls that the AppBuilder makes to this functionality are still through rydynsckrp.p and rygendynp.p (and not the adeuib procedures). This allows customers who have customized rydynsckrp.p or rygendynp.p to keep their customizations.
The only way to extend rydynsckrp.p or rygendynp.p is to modify the code itself; there is no defined way to extend these procedures. Note that customizing these procedures is not recommended. Customers who have existing customizations should overwrite rydynsckrp.p or rygendynp.p with their customized code. This code should be compared with the PSDN versions of _dynsckr.p or _gendyn.p to determine what has changed.