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ABL Data Types Addenda
INT64 data type : Related ABL functions

Related ABL functions

To support the INT64 data type, ABL supports the following new functions and statements:
*INT64 function — Takes any data type and returns an INT64 value, if the conversion is possible. This function takes most common data types except for RAW, MEMPTR, or LONGCHAR.
*PUT-INT64 statement — Stores the signed 64-bit value of an INT64 or INTEGER expression at the specified memory location. The specified memory location can have a RAW or a MEMPTR value.
*GET-INT64 function — Returns the signed 64-bit value at the specified memory location as an INT64 value. The specified memory location can have a RAW or a MEMPTR value.
*PUT-UNSIGNED-LONG statement — Stores an INTEGER or INT64 value as a 32-bit unsigned value to a MEMPTR or RAW value. This statement is analogous to PUT-UNSIGNED-SHORT, except with a 32-bit value.
*GET-UNSIGNED-LONG function — Returns the unsigned 32-bit value at the specified memory location as an INT64. This is analogous to GET-UNSIGNED-SHORT, except with a 32-bit value.
In addition, the following functions, which were compiled as returning INTEGER in Release 10.1A and earlier, are now compiled as returning INT64:
You can override this result and have these functions compile to return INTEGER with either the INTEGER function or by using the No INT64 (-noint64) startup parameter. For more information on this startup parameter, see Specifyingnot to use INT64.