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ABL Data Types Addenda
INT64 data type : INT64 in arithmetic and comparison operations

INT64 in arithmetic and comparison operations

Arithmetic operations are unchanged by the new INT64 data type. That is, operators (such as the * Multiplication and the + Addition operators) are still compiled as INTEGER if both arguments are INTEGER.
Starting with Release 10.1B, all intermediate calculations are carried out in 64-bit arithmetic. With the introduction of the INT64 data type, any operator or function that used to return an INTEGER can now return a value greater than 32-bits. This large value is held correctly as an intermediate value and does not generate an error message unless you assign the final result into an INTEGER database field, temp-table field, program variable, or parameter. This means that if you try to store a value outside the -2147483648 to +2147483647 range in an INTEGER, you get an error message. For example, 2,000,000,000 * 100 / 100 gives the correct result whether the target field is INTEGER or INT64. However, although 2,000,000,000 * 100 does not cause an overflow, the result must be assigned to an INT64 field. It generates a run-time error if you assign it to an INTEGER field.
If you have an existing field, program variable, or parameter defined with the INTEGER data type, and you want to make it 64-bit capable, you must change the data type to INT64. You can change the data type of a database field via the Data Dictionary tool. Note that you can make this change without having to dump and load the data. However, when you change the data type of a database field, you change the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the database table that contains the field. Therefore, you must recompile your r-code. In addition, you should review your code for any references to the database field to determine whether there is a possibility of an overflow with the INTEGER data type.
* Subtracting DATETIME values
* Mixed INTEGER and INT64 expressions