Enter a new name for the browse.
Allows you to enter text for tool tip help.
Enter a Help Identifier associated with this field. This field is used only in .HLP help files to support What's This? context-sensitive help.
Widget ID
Enter a widget ID for the browse.
Enter a new title for the browse.
Displays the database query for the browse. You can edit the query by clicking Query, which opens the Query Builder dialog.
Displays the Column Editor dialog which allows you to add fields to the database query for the browse.
Locked Columns
Enter a number of columns to lock in the browse view. As you scroll horizontally, these locked columns remain freeze in the view, with the remaining columns scrolling horizontally.
Max Data Guess
Enter an estimate for the number of records in the browse query. The browse uses this number to visually depict query location (set the thumb position) in the vertical scroll.
Enter a window column value (in character units) where you want to place the browse upper left or right corner.
This depends upon the position setting. For example, if Left-Align is chosen, the value in Column refers to the browse upper left corner.
Enter a window row value (in character units) where you want to place the browse upper left or right corner.
This depends upon the position setting. For example, if Left-Align is chosen, the value in Row refers to the browse upper left corner.
Enter a value (in character units) to specify the width of the browse.
Enter a value (in character units) to specify the height of the browse.
Select this option to position the browse left edge along the column position specified.
Select this option to position the browse right edge along the column position specified.
This section allows you to select the run-time attributes and other ABL related options or accept the defaults.
Displays the Choose Color dialog which allows you change browse background and foreground colors.
Displays the Choose Font dialog which allows you to change the browse font at run-time.
Displays the Property Sheet - Popup Menu dialog which allows you to create a pop-up menu for the browse.
Displays the String Attributes dialog which allows you to enter translation attributes for the browse.
Displays the Advanced Properties dialog which allows you to edit advanced properties for the selected browse.