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Data Object overview : Reference : New Data Object Service wizard

New Data Object Service wizard

The New Data Object Service wizard allows you to create a Data Object Service for a set of existing Data Object resources.
Access this wizard by choosing New > Data Object Service on the Data Object project context menu.
The New Data Object Service wizard includes the following options:
Service name
Specify a name for the Data Object Service. This is a mandatory field.
Service description
Specify a description for the Data Object Service. This is an optional field.
Service relative URI
Specify a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a Data Object Service. For example, /relative URI.
Note: The relative URI must start with "/sampleURI".
Select a project wherein you want to generate all the Data Object Service related files (artifacts).
Note: By default, the project name you select when creating the Data Object Service is displayed in the Project field.
OE Web Servers
Select the OE Web Server instances with which you want to associate a defined Data Object Service.
Note: The list displays the OE Web Server instances registered with OpenEdge Management.
Displays a list of Data Object resources. These are Data Object interface annotated ABL class and procedure files.
Select All
Selects all the Data Object resources available on the ABL routines list.
Deselect All
Clears the selection of all Data Object resources on the ABL routines list.
Note: When you create a Data Object Service for a non-Data Object project such as OpenEdge or AppServer project, the Data Object facet gets enabled for the project. The project behaves as a Data Object project enabling you to develop Data Object applications. The Project Facets page (select Properties > Project Facets on the project context menu) displays the facets associated with your current project. For more information, see PLUGINS_ROOT/ page.