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Introducing the ABL GUI Designer : Reference : GUI Designer dialogs : AppBuilder dialogs : Add Trigger dialog
Add Trigger dialog
The Add Trigger dialog helps you associate an event (also called a trigger) with an object in the AppBuilder (.w) file. This option is available only with the AppBuilder (.w) files.
You can access this wizard from the Source menu > Add Trigger > or right-click on the ABL Editor and select Source > Add Trigger from the context menu.
The Add Trigger wizard includes the following controls:
Select an object from the drop-down to which you want to add trigger. This list contains all the objects that are present on the current design window.
Event category
Select an event category from the drop-down. This lists contains the following event categories:
*Common Events – Select this to display all common events for the selected object.
*Direct Manipulation Events – Select this to display the direct manipulation events. These are explicit actions a user performs on objects with a keyboard or a mouse such as selecting, highlighting, moving, and resizing.
*Portable Mouse Events – Select this to display the portable mouse events. These are mouse events based on a conceptual four-button mouse model with select, menu, move, and extend buttons.
*Three-Button Mouse Events – Select this to display the three-button mouse events. These are mouse events based on three-button mouse model with left, middle, and right buttons.
*Developer Events – Select this to display the developer events. There are ten system-supplied events (U1 to U10) that you can apply to objects with the APPLY statement.
*Keyboard Events – Select this to record keystrokes and bind them to events. When you select this option Key label, Key function, and Generate code by options will be available and grouped under Event name section.
Event name
Select an event name from the drop-down. This list contains the event names based on the selection you make in the Widget and Event category drop-downs.
Define key (Key label)
Enter a label for the keyboard event such as F1 or F2.
Note: This option is available when you specify Keyboard Events in the Event category drop-down.
Key function
Displays the pre-defined function name associated with the key label you have entered in the Key label field such as Help for F1 or GO for F2.
If there is no pre-defined function associated with the specified key label, then the same key label text is displayed in the Key function field.
Note: This option is available when you specify Keyboard Events in the Event category drop-down.
Generate code by
Allows you to generate the trigger code by either the Key label or Key function.
Note: This option is available when you specify Keyboard Events in the Event category drop-down.
Generates the trigger code for the selected object and inserts in the (.w) procedure file.
Select to ignore your changes and exit the trigger wizard.